7 • B*tches

898 35 3

Lucy's P.O.V

One time, my father gave me two options.

Go and live with grandpa and grandma, or learn to behave my self and stay with him.

I had gotten into a fight in school (not the first), he was tired of not being able to do something about my behavior. He felt like he wasn't being harsh enough on me, so he gave me the two options.

I sure as hell wasn't going to stay with grandpa & grandma, they're always yelling for me to run to the store to get them pointless things.

So I fixed my composure and learned to behave myself, from what I can remember I don't think I ever got into a fight since I made the decision.

Apart from fighting the dead, of course.

"Come back and stay with us at hilltop." Paul said, his eyebrows raised as he waited for an answer.

I scoffed and walked away.

"Lucy, please. Listen to me. I'm not one to beg but I'm asking for you to stay with us. Do you understand what I'm offering you? Somewhere to stay, walls to be protected by, food & water-"

"Don't bullshit me, you said so yourself- your in some deep shit and I'm not here for it." I cut him off as I stormed off. "Go back to your shit hole and deal with it, in this world you either kill or get killed and I already know my choice- but whatever choice you make, that's on you." I huffed as I continued to walk away. The small thuds stopped trailing behind me as I heard a small sigh.

"We're trying to survive. Everyone is, Lucy. But some try to survive by gaining power and try to play god. We're tired of the same choice, we want to take our power back, but we can't do that... not without you." He pleaded, I could hear it in his voice. How desperate he was for me to stay.

"..everyone left alive is willing to kill anyone who stands in the way of holding that profound title because some people fight for survival while others kill for power.."

Merle's words echoed in my head, making my frustration boil as I hesitated to make the decision.

He wasn't asking for my benefit, it was more for theirs.

You'll be writing your own death certificate if you go with them, Lucy!

"Not even an hour ago were all of you trying to kill me and all of a sudden you need me?" I scoffed. "Like hell if you ever think I'm going to trust any of you to guarantee me protection." I stood still, waiting for his response but.. nothing.

"Did we ever threaten to kill you? Did we ever put a gun to your head? Just because you felt intimidated by us didn't mean we were going to harm you. As a matter of fact, who were the ones who helped you when the walkers were coming after you? We could've chose to ignore it, we could've left you to die but no- We saved you, Lucy. We aren't the monsters you are trying to make us out to be, we are not the saviors."

Was all he said before I could hear him retreat his steps as the small thuds became faint behind me.

I couldn't dare myself to look back as I let out an exasperated sigh and looked up towards my path.

Towards one end is grandma and grandpa, and towards the other end is betraying both, my dad & Merles words; a tough decision.

Thinking about it, either end includes the same things: death. No matter which way I turn, it'll always be there.. lurking, hungry.

I can't rely on every walking soul.

It's what Merle said.

But Merle was a walking soul, and I relied and I survived because of him.

Don't do it, Lucy.

I let out a growl of frustration as I fell down to my knees, my bat falling to the ground as tears threatened to spill.

"What am I doing, Merle?" I cried, letting out a sigh as I took a deep breathe before wiping away the tears that were close to falling off from the brink. "What do I do?.." I mumbled as let my head hang low.

I feel like I'm in those bottomless pit with no exit except for up, a place I can't reach without a lending hand.

The trick part is how do I know the lending hand is trying to help?

Is this my end game too?

Small footsteps jerked me from my zone as I grabbed my bat and swung behind me before a strong hand caught it before it could come in contact with their leg. My back rested against the dark pavement as the moon shined upon us, making my heart ache as I could see the pain in his eyes.

Paul is a relying, broken soul.

Just like I once was before when Merle met me.

"I was waiting for you to come back but you took too long debating, I started to get worried if something happened to you." He said, I let out a scoff/chuckle.

"You're so full of yourself if you were so sure that I was going to go back to your camp." He shrugs as he lets go of my bat and lends out a hand, "I've been told my words can be persuasive." I smacked his hand away and picked my self up.

"I don't need your help. You can go back alone." I said.

You don't sound so genuine, Lucy.

My conscious taunted.

He let out a sigh.

"Alright." He lifted up his hands in surrender. ".. I'll go.." he started to back away. "to my secure four walls.." he was taunting me, I scoffed. ".. food and water.. a nice bed.."

"Paul.." I said in a menacing tone as I glared at him.

"Okay. Okay. I'll stop. But before I leave, Can you at least tell me why you don't want to stay with us? I'm offering something we would never offer to anyone else and I'm being literal." I know he was true to his words, My gut trusted him. "I mean we have everything we really need to survive, we may not have a lot of food or water, hell maybe even weapons but... we might not be able to guarantee full protection but we stay true to our word and we will be there to help you survive. Every step of the way." He said, looking at me with seriousness in his eyes.

"Why turn it down? Who hurt you?"

And as simple as the words were, it opened up an old wound and salted it as it stung.

Well Lucy, surprise darling, they might not know about Redrum after all.

He starred at me, waiting for an answer as I started walking towards him and before he could even mutter one word, I walked past him.

'who hurt you'

His words rang through my head.

"Bitches." Was my response as he tagged along behind me, catching up.

I've been hurt for far too long by them.

So I hurt them too.

Now they walk amongst us, lurking in the dark, hungry.

I didn't look back once chaos broke out but I'm positive that some are hungry for the living.

& others are hungry for revenge.


Qotd: How do you feel about Rick leaving TWD?

im honestly devastated & im lagging on watching the new series knowing that he won't be there anymore. won't be the same with out the true og :'((


• Y A H T Z E E •

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