𝔐𝔲𝔤𝔤𝔩𝔢 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡

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"Are you sure about this love? Do I need to wear a cloak?" He ask as I fix his tie up

"No babe, you just need to be simple. The ones you wear everyday is too fancy for our taste." You explained and kiss him

You and Draco have been together since 5th year, right now they are on the Muggle World, they've been staying there for three days now, the reason why you both are there because it's time for Draco to meet your parents.

After adding final touches to yourself, you saw Draco grab his wand from the table "Babe what did we say about bringing wands?" You crossed your arms

"But I'm not used to not having a wand with me" he said

"It's just my parents, they wouldn't hurt you, and besides we're not allowed to use magic on the Muggle World." You pointed out

He sighed "Alright"

You signal him to gave you the wand and he handed you the wand firmly, then he crashes his lips on yours, you respond to his kiss.

As he pull away, he looks down at you deeply in the eye "Love it when you respond to my kisses.. can't wait to have our own child" he smirks

You slap him on the chest playfully "Shut up Malfoy, we're not even married yet" you pointed out

"Oh you will be a Malfoy one day love" He winks

You smiled at him, you're grateful to have him, he's been a great guy since he met you, you change his life.

You open the garage door and there's a brand new car parking inside, you let him seat on the Shotgun Seat while you seat on the Drivers Seat.

You both buckle up and you start the engine of the car, which makes him jump, you laugh again on his expression.


You both arrived at your parent's house, you parked your car and stretch for a moment from a long ride. You notice that Draco is sleeping, you smiled as you observe his face, you move away his hair covering his eyes, he's so handsome, even while he's sleeping.

You jumped when Draco finds his lips on yours, kissing you again, he pulled away and you saw him smirking "I look handsome while I sleep do I?"

You rolled your eyes playfully "Of course" You unbuckle his seatbelt for him and you both went out of the car, your parents are already standing outside the door, ready to welcome both of you

You smiled and rush into them to give them a big hug "Hi Mum and Dad, I've miss you so much"

You pull away "My Daughter as Beautiful as always" Your Mum cupped our cheeks, smiling at you

"My sweet little girl! c'mere!" You Dad gave you a tight hug

"D-Dad can't breath!" You choked

He let go of you and chuckled in embarrassment, then you took Draco's hand, which is cold, you cab tell that he's nervous.

You took a deep breath "Dad, Mum this is my boyfriend, Draco Lucius Malfoy."

"Good to meet you Mr. And Mrs. (Y/L/N)" He greeted as he shook their hands

"It's nice to finally meet you Draco, (Y/N) always tells that you've been a great partner through her letters." Your Dad said

Draco smiled at you as he heard a good feedback on your parents.

"We should get inside, I prepared some dinner for you two lovebirds" Your mum said cheerfully

You and Draco sat beside each other while her parents sat on the other side and they start to eat

"What should I do now?"

Your eyes widen as you heard Draco's voice in your mind, you look at him and he gaves you a nervous look, he sure needs help.

"You can read my mind?" You asked

"Of course, I cast a spell temporarily in both of us, which is to read minds. I don't know what to do, I admit I'm nervous"

You breath and shook your head your parents notices that "Are you okay dear?"

"I am mum, this steak is hard to cut" You lied

"So Draco, how's your family doing? are they okay with you that you're on our world?" Your Dad asked

"You'll be okay love, say what you have to say and It'll be okay" You communicate with his mind one more time

"Y-Yes Mr. (Y/L/N), I already had a permission to stay on the Muggle World for a few weeks to learn some other few things about here" he said

"And are you both planning for a wedding?" Your Mum suddenly asked

"Yes, of course Mrs. (Y/L/N), i'm very delighted to marry your daughter as soon as possible"

"Of course! You both are adults now so obviously you both can marry" He said delighted

"Thank you so much, I'll promise i'll love your daughter and love her every single day, until the end" He said as he hold your hand

Conversations fullfill in the dining room, after they finished they went ahead to their bedroom, you flop her body back on the bed "I'm so tired" you mumbled

Draco locked the room and he crawled on top of you "You're not sleeping yet love" He said huskily and start to kiss you passionately

"I'm tired, let me sleep" You mumbled between kisses

He kisses you one last time and he lied beside you, you both start to cuddle and you both cuddle to sleep.

𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖔 𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖋𝖔𝖞 𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘Where stories live. Discover now