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You are walking your way to the library, you're suppose to go there with Draco but he informed you that he had some other matters to attend to, so this time you went there alone

As you turn to a corner, you bump into someone's chest, you saw the color of the tie and you already know that he's a Gryffindor, then you look up and you saw Harry Potter

"H-Harry!" You blurt out

"Hey (Y/N), you alright?" he asks

"Y-Yes I am, don't worry" You stutter

You have feelings for him since you've met him on the train, but sadly you were placed in Slytherin while he's placed in Gryffindor. When he get some free time, he tries to hang out with you, which you love about him

"(Y/N)?" He snaps you out of your thoughts

"I'm okay, I'm about to study for my Potion Assignments" You explained

"You need some help? I can help you if you want" He offered kindly, smiling at you

You blushed "I'm okay Harry, I can study by myself." You said

You don't want Harry to study with you, last time you did it you can't focus on what you're doing because of his.. charm, which then, you failed your exams

"You sure?" He place a hand on your shoulder

You nod "I'll be fine Harry, really"

"Okay, I'll be going now, see you around (Y/N)" he said patting your shoulder and left

You smiled and then you start to look for potion books.


You yawn as you stretch your back, you've been reading for almost an hour, you wonder where Draco is, he hasn't arriving yet.

You've already read enough Potion Books for today, you grab the books and went to the shelf where you get them.

You hear something or someone from the room that you've never been in before.

Your eyes widen as you saw Harry and Ginny snogging each other

Ginny stopped as she saw you "(Y/N)"

Harry turn his head at you "(Y/N), h-hey"

You ran away and forcing back the tears that might fall and ran outside the library, you quickly ran into the Slytherin Common Room and slam yourself down in the couch, you bury your face into your hands


You lift your head up and you saw Draco, he quickly sat beside you "What happened? I didn't saw you on the library so I went here"

You didn't respond and just slam yourself onto his chest, he hugged you which it makes you cry more

"Tell me what happened" He said

You told him about what you saw on the library

He clench his fist "That Potter!" He said angrily

He untangled his embrace and stomp his way out of the room.

"Draco!" you called him but he's already out of the room

You wipe your tears and start to follow him, you tried to pick up his pace but he was far ahead of you

"D-Draco!" you exhaled

As you take turn on the isle, you saw a huge crowd blocking the way, you approach the crowd and in the middle you saw Harry and Draco

"Why did you hurt her!"

"Don't touch me Malfoy!"

You hear both of them, you push yourself in the crowd until you reach the two. You saw them pointing at each other with their wands and their eyes widen as they both saw you

"(Y/N)!" They both exclaimed

"W-What are you doing Draco?" you asked him

"This shithead needs some lessons"

"(Y/N) I swear I didn't know you had-"

"Shut the bloody hell up! We don't need your bloody explanations!" Draco spat

"Guys, please leave us, I can handle this." you said to the crowd

"You all shut up or I'll take your bloody throats out" Draco exclaimed, pointing his wand at them

The students start to walk away, and you turn your head back to the two "Draco, please stop this!" you plead

"He hurted you!"

"Draco just calm down"

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry, I didn't know-"

"Harry please, just go" you said closing your eyes clenching your fist, trying not to have an eye contact with him.

"We're not yet finish Potter" He muttered under his breath

Harry glared at Draco and left them, Draco lowered his wand and put it inside his robe, he grab your arm "Come with me." he said and you both went inside.

He went up to the boys room, but then he went back down "I told you come with me"

"Girls aren't allowed on the boys room" you said

"I don't care, besides no one's here" he said

You followed him inside the boy's room, you look around as you step in.

You saw him removing his robe, leaving his simple white button-up shirt and his Slytherin Tie

He closes the door behind you, then he looks down at you "Why do you like him?"


He pushes you back on the door, he looks at your eyes deeply "D-Draco you're scaring me.."


You shrink back, he calmed down and realize what he said "(Y/N), I-I didn't mean to shout at you"

"I don't know Draco, I like him since the first day, but you're the one who's been there for me. I have no choice, he likes Ginny more than me." You close your shut, clenching your fist.

You open your eyes as he lift your head, your eyes widen as he smash his cold lips on yours, he starts to move and you move with his rhythm

"You know how long I've been wanting to do this." he said seductively between kisses

You pulled away and look at him, you chuckled and hug him "I guess I love you after all"

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