chapter 3-The pack./the truth

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soz you guyz. my ipad broke but its fixed now!!!!!!

Skylar's POV:

I took a deep breath as we walked in.everyboady's eyes where instantly on me....I knew this was a bad idea.most of the girls around my age started to glare at me.forget about Jack,I need to worry about how I'm gonna survive!!!

Jack must have seen my worry because he said "don't worry you'll be fine." yeah the way these girls give me death glares, l won't survive a week!!!

we went upstairs into his room, the room that I am going to be sleeping in was already getting late so he stripped down to his boxers to get ready for bed.Before he got in he asked me,"do you have a change of clothes?" I took out my notepad (remembering that I cannot afford to blow my cover) and wrote"no. I don't have any money or change of clothes. I'll just wear this to bed"

"its ok,you can wear my shirt." Jake said,and then gave me his shirt.after putting it on I crawled into bed with Jake's arms wrapped sucurely around my waist as he enhaled my scent.I enhaled his...hummm woodsy. I let my mind wander and thought about how I'm going to survive this week.

Jake POV:

as I woke up I noticed my little angel was still sleeping.I kissed her forehead and bushed the loose stands of hair away from her face as she slept.I realy didn't deserve such a person as my mate.

"dude come down here,we are about to start playing C.O.D!"my friend said through mind link

"awesome! I said,not realy wanting to leave my mate behind."be right there"

Skylar POV:

I quietly sat up when he went downstairs. I didn't belong here I was an outcast...a rouge. it is best if I left. once my old pack finds out I'm still alive,they will come after me. the whole pack will be in danger.

I packed up what I had left and quietly made my wolf was mad at me for running away but we both knew that it was for the best.I jumped out the window snuck pass the gaurds and dissapeared into the forest...we both knew we didn't belong here.

Jake POV:

after a solid 2hours of playing call of duty I decided to call it a day.but when I went to bed I noticed somthing or someone was missing...Skylar. she was not in the bed or the bathroom either...i noticed the window open and for the first time scine I was 12 I went into full panic mode and yelled for Adein and Eric to get to my room.

"what is it!?"they said in unison

" mate is....gone"


Skylar POV:

I had been running for about a solid 5 hours now and decided to take a break.on the way I had shifted back to my human form and I had to keep telling me and my wolf that it was for the best. just when I stood up I smelt a scent that I didn't recognise.suddenly I was on full aleart.

just when I thought everything was okay I heard a gruff low voice.

"what's a pretty lady like you doing out here?"I tried to run away but I was not fast enough because he pinned me to a tree.

"don't run away from me.I am a rouge just like you.the only difference is that I've been hierd by your own father to assasinate the way don't bother sreaming,there isn't anyone ere in miles"

I had stopped fighting against him.there was no point it was just better if I die.just when he was going to end my life all of his weight had been thown off me.when I looked up I was shocked and was Jake.

suddenly he shifted tearing the man apart but I don't know what happend next,because I was still frozen in shock.

"are you ok? "he asked,his face full of worry and concern.I just silently nodded not forgeting that I haven't told him my secret yet.

"I was trying to protect you.people are after me,I didn't want anyone to get hurt"I wrote

"why are people after you? "

"its somthing to do with my past.I wasnt going to tell you because I thought after getting to know me you would reject me"

"I would never reject you accept me"

I can't belive he sait that! who wouldn't accept him!? relising I hadn't responded yet I quickly nodded.after we went back to his place.


3 months later:

Jake POV:

I had her enrolled at my school with the same classes with me, just to be on the safe side. Call me over-protective but I realy can't afford to loose her.I'm so happy with her and she had accepted me. It was the end of the day and I was talking to my best freinds-the beta, Adein and the 3rd in command-Eric. After I got bored I decided to go to my lovely mate. when I got there I was shocked at the scene I saw before my eyes.

Skylar and the pack slut Trixy were having an argument. I decided to listen....

"Stay away from my Jake!"Trixy said. I mentaly groaned,since when was I ever hers?


"for your information he is not wonder why your the pack slut!" she wrote

"shut up you bitch!"Trixy said as she slapped my mate and tore up the notepad. I growled. none hurts my mate! just when I was about to move I was stopped by a voice I have never heard before.

"you're the bitch around here,and you are a slut,your chest is basicly falling out of that way to small for you top AND the way you dress leaves nothing to the imagination, so why don't you and those freinds that follow you about go on and PISS OFF!!!!!!! " WTF?????? she can talk?!!! why didn't she tell me....a stab of pain went though me at the thought of being betrayed like that we've known echother of some months now. she even told me she loved me but now I'm not so sure.come to think of it she never told me her past....could this have somthing to do with it?

I walked up to her taking her by surprise and aked the question that was ringing bells in my head."why didn't you tell me?".........

DUN DUN DAAAAA!!!!!!! what will happen next??????

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