The World of Swords

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Mika~ Flashback

I look around and see that more and more people are signing in. My character had white shoulder length hair and green eyes. Nothing real special, I really don't care how I looked now, all that mattered was playing the game.

I made my way through the Town Of Beginnings heading two towns over, I know where to find the sword I loved to use during the beta of this game.

 I was running past the West Field when I saw two guys fighting some boars, that's when the guy with red hair went flying. That would've hurt in the real word, but here, No. 'Sigh' that guy is making a big deal over nothing.

Hm, he must have finally realized it now. Whatever.

Once I made it to the town I activated the quest and was right in front of the entrance.  I took a deep breath and my mind went through everything I remembered in this cave which was everything.

I open my eyes and ran in the cave. Fighting wave after wave of minions I made it to the boss room in under 2 hours. I ran in the boss room knowing where he would be.

It was quiet, breathing was the only thing you could really hear, it was almost deafening. I took another breath and the room lit up, fire lighting up the oil that was against the walls. When the boss came up from the ground laughing high pitch. Her name was The Laughing Witch.

'Sigh', here we go again. I charged after her charging my sword up ready to attack, as she did the same, when I change the direction it caught her off guard. When I fought her before she always had an issue when I changed direction at the last moment.

I jumped in the air and down slashed her, moving behind her to attack. I changed my pattern every time she went to attack. Left, right, right twice, down slash, left. Until I finally got her without taking much damage.

"Congratulations!" A notice came down. An item window popped up, "Wind Slicer has been added to your inventory." I clicked okay. Going through my inventory I equipped Wind Slicer. 

Wind Slicer was a heavy sword, had a nice carving design on it, and writing that said Wind on it. Not to impressive, but a good sword to start with on this level.

I slowly made my way out of the dungeon when I heard bells going off. Stopping I look up to the evening sky and I was engulfed in a blue light.

The next thing I know I am back in the Town Of Beginnings. Really! I t took me forever to get to that town! Now I am back here?!

More and more people appeared, a forced teleportation? Hm, must be an really important announcement for them to force teleportation.

"Hey look up there!" There was one hexagon blinking saying 'Warning.'

The sky went completely red with hexagons saying, 'Warning' or 'System Announcement.' The sky then started to pour out red liquid almost like blood, and ending up forming a giant person with black smoke floating out of his hood.

People were getting really confused on what was going on. Some saying something about his appearance or what was going to happen next.

He lifted his arms up, "Attention players I welcome you. To my world. My name is Akihiko Kayaba and as of this moment I am in control of this world." Wait what!!! He is the creator of SAO!!! Everyone around me was all in awe. "I am sure most of you notice an item missing from your main menus, the logout button. Let me assure you this is not a defect in the game, I repeat this is not a defect. This was how Sword Art Online was designed to be." What the hell is going on?... "You can not log yourselves out of SAO. And no one from the outside will not be able to shut down or remove the Nervegear from your head. If anyone attempts to do so a transmitter inside the Nevergear will discharge a microwave signal into your skull destroying your brain. And ending your life." can't be happening. He just trapped us inside a game! How are we going to survive if we can't feed our real bodies! Not many will survive that! He's crazy!

"Despite my warning the families and friends of some of the players have attempted to remove the Nervegear and an unfortunate decision to say the least. As a result the game has 213 less players then when it began, they have been deleted from both Aincrad and the real world." ...213 players...I just stood their speechless, I couldn't do much, but just stand there. "As you can see international media outlets have round the clock coverage of everything, including the deaths. At this point it's safe to assume the Nervegear being remove is minimal at best. I hope this brings you a little comfort as you try to clear the game.

"It is important to remember the following, there is no way anyway to revive someone in the game if your HP drops to 0 your avatar will be deleted in the system, forever. And the Nervegear will simultaneously destroy your brain." I looked down and remember how many times I had died in the Beta. 1...6...15...28... it was 28 times I had died. I don't like this most people would love to be inside a game. Yes, but if you die in the game you die IRL. You'd have to be insane to want that. Away from everything that you once knew.

I looked over and I saw two people trying to leave, but was blocked by some sort of barrier, "Hey guys I can't get out!" 'Sigh' I looked back to Kayaba.

"There is only one way for a player to escape now, you must clear the game. Right now you are gathered on Floor 1, the lowest level of Aincrad. If you can get through the dungeon and beat the boss you may advance to the next floor, beat the boss on Floor 100 and you cleared the game." I didn't even make it that far, not even close! "And last but not least, I have placed an item storage in every player. Please have a look."

I opened my menu and found it. It was a mirror. I click on it to see what it did and it was just a normal mirror to me. But then people were engulfed in a blue light as was I. I looked around and people looked like themselves like guys turned into girls and girls turned into guys, I looked back into the mirror and saw I my looks were like they were in IRL.

My long black hair that's above my butt, my snow pale skin, my dark black eyes. He changed us to our original form, our real person form!?

That's right. There is a scan a high density signal device inside the Nervegear rig. It knows what I look like. It knows my body height and everything because it  asked me to do a calibration all over my body. That's not creepy or anything.

Why would he even do something like this?

"Right now your probably wondering why? 'Why would Akihiko Kayaba developer of Sword Art Online and Nervegear do this?' Ultimately my goal was a simple one. The reason I created Sword Art Online was to control the fate of a world of my design."

Well you got your wish you bastard!

"As you can see I have achieved my goal." Damn you! I tighten my fist shut and clenched my teeth. "This marks the end of the tutorial and the official launch of Sword Art Online. Players I wish you the best of luck."

He started to get of gilitchy and slowly he disappeared into the sky. All of the Warnings disappeared along with him, the sky returning normal.

It was silent, I looked around to see people with the look of anger and fear on there faces. This is no longer a game anymore, it's real. If I die here, I die in real life. I can't let that happen. I won't!

People all around started to freak out! People pushing and shoving. Damn I can't be here anymore. I gotta go!

I slipped my way out of the crowd and made my way to the next village over, but not the one I was at. Running through the market, past the fields and through the woods.

I can't die! I won't die, I have to make it out not just for me! But for my family! And the hope of seeing my brother once again! I will survive!

A bear was in my path, I still charging at it and yelling. I took out Wind Slicer and charged it to power and killed the bear that was ready to attack.


Well there you go there's the first chapter not much really, but its a start. Hope you guys like it. Comment and vote!!! Please!!!


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