Black and White Sword Dance

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Date: October 17, 2024             Floors Beat: 73          Personal Level: 95

Lately the number of floors beat increased giving a lot of people hope. People who are fighting at the front lines with the rest of us, that is.

Less and less people are showing up at the front lines almost as if they don't want to leave, or have completely forgotten how we are supposed to get out of this death game.

I'm still surprised I even lasted this long. If it weren't for Kirito's help I'd be long since dead. Not to mention Asuna has been helpful lately as well. Though we are still at each other's throats every now and then. I can safely say we aren't as bad as we were once.

Right now Kirito and I are in a dungeon like many others we are in search of the final dungeon on this floor to clear it and go on to the next.

Kirito just killed the last monster that was in the area we are at before we finally decided to turn back and go home. As we're walking back he seemed to really quiet. It's been like that for the past couple of days now. Not saying much, just always lost in his thoughts. There are days when it feels like he's trying to tell me something, but then avoids it. There are even a couple times I caught him looking away once I caught him staring at me.

I was walking behind Kirito so I end up hitting his back after he stopped all of a sudden. He turned to look at me and putting his finger up to tell me to stay quiet.

So he takes out a dart and throws it at a tree ends up scaring a poor rabbit. I didn't recognize it at first but then I looked closer. It was one of the rarest drops I've seen in a long time.

A Ragout Rabbit.

Kirito takes out his next Dart and kills poor rabbit.

"What are you going to do with it now you can't necessarily eat it. Your cooking skills suck." I point out.

"You're right, so I'm just going to go sell him." He replies ignoring my insult.

"Well you better hope you get a good price for it you, know how he can be."

We slowly make our way to floor 50 Algade and went inside Agil's little store where he cheaps out on you. Especially if your friend...

I sat back against the wall as Kirito was talking to Agil. Man I'm tired, I should've just went home while I had the chance to.

"Somebody had a long day." A voice said to me.

"Oh Asuna. Yeah, you can blame Kirito for that. I swear he's going to be the death of me." I half joked to her.

"That's not funny here." Asuna scolded.

"Yeah, yeah." Waving her off. Asuna then joined in on Kirito and Agil's trade. Poor guy lost a chance at getting rare food.

I didn't notice it at first but Asuna had some old guy following her. He also seemed to dislike Kirito and I. 

"Yeah, but you can at least let me taste it, right?" Agil my friend you have your hopes to high. "I thought we were tight."

"I'll write a review for you, but only two pages. Promise." Was Kirito's only response as Kirito, Asuna, and the old guy walked out.

"Damn, that is cold."

"No kidding." 'Sigh' I crossed my arms and looked at him. "You deserve it after what you did to that last customer. Karma comes back. See yeah."

I quickly ran to catch up with the rest of them, to hear Asuna ask Kirito if he had any kitchen ware.

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