The Blue-Eyed Demon

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Date: October 18, 2024                 Floors Beat: 73               Personal Level: 95

"You two ready?" I asked and they give me a 'yeah' or 'um hum.'

I alone slowly pushing the doors open, and they were beyond heavy.

"Thanks for the help guys." I sarcastically put.

We all looked around to see only dark corners and no enemies so far. 

"There is nothing in here." Kirito stated then walked a few steps forward.

"Hey wait." Asuna was about to grab on his arm but Kirito stopped her.

"I'll be okay. I'm not going in too far, besides we should find out what kind of boss we're dealing with. How else are we gonna figure out what we're dealing with?" 

"Yeah I know, It's just-" Asuna was cut off by the room being lit with blue fire to reveal a Blue Minotaur.

His name appeared 'The Gleam Eyes' with four health bars.

You have got to be joking.

The Blue-Eyed demon aka Gleam eye's stared down right at us waiting only for a moment before roaring at us and going for the kill.

Of course we ran out of the room before it could land a blow on any of us. None of us stopped running for a long while. All shook to the core that it aggravated so quickly.

"We should have never thought of going in that room. We're lucky it was far enough from us to get enough time out!" 

"Yeah, that one is going to be tough to beat." Said Asuna.

"Your right." Kirito chimed in as well. "I saw that he only had that one sword. I bet it even has special attacks too.

"We're gonna have to put tanks in the front row and keep switching out just to wear it down."

"Yeah, and it wouldn't hurt to have ten shield users."

"Shield users huh?" Asuna's eyes look closer at Kirito, but he didn't notice a bit.

He looked too exhausted, but that didn't stop Asuna from insinuating the question we both were wondering for a long time now.

"What? What's wrong?" He finial looked at us.

"You are. Your hiding something aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I just realized something. The biggest advantage for a one-handed sword, is that you can also use a shield. But you know what I don't think I've ever seen you use one before. I don't use a shield because it'll slow down my rapier. Other's don't because they think it looks dumb."

"I don't use it because it gets in my way as well" I chimed in.

"And why aren't you using the sword you commissioned from Liz?"

"Very suspicious." Both Asuna and I pushed.

As much as Kirito looked uncomfortable and avoided eye contact he refused to answer. Asuna gave up quickly we he wouldn't answer.

"Oh never mind." Kirito then relaxed a bit, "It's rude to ask people to justify their skills."

Kirito just sighed in relief, and looked my way slightly jumping.

I gave off a intimidating dark aura, "I'm gonna find out." Doing a 180 I look at Asuna, "We should eat here Asuna, since it's so late."

"Agreed." She opens her inventory and takes out her lunch basket.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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