Chapter One

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"Gwyn! Haul your lazy ass up in your bed and cook some breakfast for your brother!" My mother's irritating voice resounded outside my room. "Gwyn! I said get up!" She called louder while banging the door. "Hurry up! Such a lazy ass." I heard her murmuring while walking away from my doorstep. As much as I wanted to sleep all day, I know that is way too impossible. So I slowly crawl up and out of my bed and in my room.

"At last, you've decided to get up. Look at the clock, it's already six am. " My mom said while working on the kettle to boil some water.

"So, where's father? Has he gone home last night?" I asked nonchalantly, while ignoring her previous remarks.

"He's in our room, sleeping. Got home drunk late last night." She said, emotionless.

Of course, what do I expect. He loves to drink. That is his favorite past time together with his so-called family, his friends, who care less about their family. I'm already nineteen and I grow up with my father doing nothing except getting drunk half of the day, and sleeping the other half. You might wonder where do we get our daily needs? Well, my father's dad has given them their shares of land and commercial space at the heart of the town. He's commercial space has been rented for years now, and that's where we get our basic needs, including my father's budget in beer.

"So, are you planning on going back to college? Your father has been asking if you still want to." My mom cut my thoughts. Yeah, I study only for one semester, then decided to ditch school because I don't like my professors and some of my classmates.

"Yes, I want to take up HRM, but only here in our hometown." I said, getting a bit giddy thinking about school and hanging out with my friends.

"But your father said he doesn't want you to study here. He knows your friends are in that school and he thinks that just like before, you won't take your studies seriously, so he wants you to study where your cousins are." My mother look at me with looks I couldn't decipher. I know she understands me, but she's so submissive with my poor excuse of a father that she couldn't argue with him.

"But mom, I don't want to go there. The school is too far, and their policy is too strict. I can't cope up with there standards." I explained with determination. I am beginning to hate the idea of going back to school. "My friends are here, they'll help me adjust in there." I tried to reason out.

"Well then, why don't you tell that to your dad? You explain your side to him and make him understand that." She said sternly and with dismissal in her tone. I kept silent and just continue with what I am doing while thinking on how to explain to my idiot of a father my idea about going back to school.


My bother had already gone off for school and I have already shower and done all my chores for the morning. I stayed with my mom and we watch tv though my mind was still thinking about our topic awhile ago. I know my father won't wake up until almost noon so I still have time to think and master my reasons for him.

Time had gone by so fast I didn't realize I doze off on our tiny living floor until I woke up at the sound of my father's voice asking my mom for some food. Typical of him, wake up at noon, then shower, goes to shop (he has an electronic shop at the center of the town), drink with friends and get wasted. Almost a daily routine. It seems miracle to us when there's a day he will get home totally sober. We're just thankful he is not abusive.

"Where's Gwyn?" I heard him asking my mom while he his mouth is full. Manners? Not used to that.

"At the living room, I think sleeping."

"Gwyn! Gwyn! Will you wake up and come here?" He called.

"Why? What do you want, I am sleepy." I answered, trying my hardest to sound sleepy but deep inside, I am a bit nervous because I know what he is going to talk about.

"Just come here will you?! You're too lazy, you know that? All you have to do is sleep all day!" He said annoyingly. I just ignored him, I really don't want to argue with him right now. I am not in mood for that yet. But he is not having any of my resistance 'cause I heard him curse.

"Damn this girl! You already too fat and yet, you still keep on sleeping! I said, you come here, you brat!" Now he's angry.

I walked towards him, our house is too small by the way, which is why no matter how hard I tried to block his voice, I still heard him perfectly clear.

"What?'' I ask him defensively.

"You wanna go back to school right?" He ask mindlessly while chewing on his food.

"Yup." I answered coolly but deep inside, I already started to get nervous.

"What course are you going to take then?"

"Uhm...I want to take HRM."


"At the new school here in town." I know it was hopeless of me to try, but a girl must do what she has to do right?

"No! You're not studying in this town where all your fuck up friends are. You are going to where your cousins are." He said sternly and with finality.

"No way! I don't like it there! Besides, that school is way too high in their standards, I don't think I cope up in there." I tried to reasoned out.

"Well then, pick your choice. You'll going to go into that school with my full support or you're going to study here and provide your own school fees and allowances?" He said smugly. He knows I am not capable of that since I am totally dependent on him, specifically in financial matters.

"But I am not comfortable with other people. At least here, I have my friends with me who will help me adjust in the new school." I said desperately.

"I've already given you your option. It's up to you which one you chose." He stand up from his chair and bring his plate to the sink. When he was about to leave the kitchen, he turn to me and said, "I don't want you hanging out with those friends of yours, they're not good for you", then he stalk off the kitchen to their room.

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