Chapter Three

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This chapter is in Maeve's POV and let me tell you that she'll be having her own POV in some of the upcoming chapters.


Maeve's POV

I always understand Gwyn, for years I've seen her grow and I have witnessed how her parents treat her.  They maybe love her, but they show it not in the typical parents way of showing their love for their children.  Gwyn grow up being spoiled materially, though they're not rich, but they have enough.  Whatever she asked, they gave it to her.  Whatever she likes, they bought it for her.  But what they can't give her openly is there affection.  Everytime her mom called her to do something, she tend to raised her voice and when Gwyn won't budge, her mom will say all kinds of curse words to her without caring that many people heard her.  Her mother has a very difficult attitude, she can't even get along well with Gwyn's aunts and cousins as well as their neighbors.

Her father is no different from her mom.  He always swear at her as well.  So basically, Gwyn grow up in a house where swearing and cursing is part of there normal conversation.  She was not like that to her father before, until she heard her parents argue on something in the middle of the night and she heard her father saying that if he just have plenty of money, he will have her undergo into a DNA test to make sure if she's his daughter.  Since that night, she changed.  Specially the way she dealt with her father.

I am busy washing the dishes when I heard Uncle Rex, Gwyn's father, talking to my mom.  I strained my ear so I can heard what they're talking about. I know, I'm eavesdropping but that's just me, always wanted to know everything that's going on around me.

"So, you let Gwyn goes back to school?"  I heard my mom asked him.

"I will let her, only if she agreed to go to MSU.  She won't have to worry there anyway, she have Devie and Nic in there to help and guide her."  He said, referring to my twin cousins who studied in MSU.

"But she said to Maeve she didn't want to go there.  She wanted to go to the local college here."  Mom tried to talk him about it.

"Maeve, what exactly Gwyn told you?"  I was a bit surprise when he called me.  I haven't notice him walking up to me at the sink.

"Uncle Rex," I acknowledge him, "she's been here the other day and told me that she wanted to just stay here."  I said.

"I won't let her study in the local college where her friends are, you know what she did last time she goes to school with them."  He said matter of factly.

"Yeah, I told her that but she promised to do good in school and that she truly wanted to graduate, only that she won't go to MSU."  I saw him shake his head so I said, "why don't you let her Uncle Rex?  I can see she's determined to finish her college.  If she's going to take up her desired course, she might take her studies seriously and graduate.  Try to give her some chance in her uncle."  I almost pleaded him.  I know what it feels like studying a course that is not what you truly desired.  Motivation is way too hard to find in that.

"I won't take another risk Maeve, I don't see any good in those friends of hers and this is her last chance to go to college.  The next time she messed this up, I'll buy her a woven tray and let her do farm works at the rice fields nearby."  He said with conviction and I know there is no arguing with him this time.

"Don't worry uncle, I'll talk to her and make her understand.  I'll try to convince her."  I then said surely at him.

"Please do so Maeve, I know she look highly to you, she will listen to you and I am confident you can change her mind."  He replied confidently.

"I will do my best uncle.  I will talk to her when she comes here or I'll just call her to come over."

"OK.  Thanks for doing so Maeve."  He then left the house and I felt devastated for Gwyn but for some odd reason, I also felt happy that Gwyn will go to MSU.  I wanted to study there myself before but I haven't given the chance.  Who knows, it might be a good change for Gwyn and it might help her in some ways.  All I have to do is talk to her and convince her and I will do that as soon as possible.


Fastest update ever...whoa!!  Don't know where did my inspiration came from right now, all I know is I wanted to write 'til I can.

I hope you guys like Maeve's POV, expect a lot more from her soon.  She plays a big role in Gwyn's life that you will find out if you keep reading this story.

For now, please do vote and comment.  It will help me be more motivated and inspired.  Don't mind the grammar people, I haven't edited this one obviously since I just updated chapter two a few minutes ago.  So please bear with me.

Votes and comment are highly appreciated.  Thanks...;-)


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