Chapter Five

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The dinner with Devie and Nick was funny and fun. We catch up with each other and they gave me some piece of advice on how to deal with the people here, what place is safe to stroll around with and anything that related in living in the campus compound. They said that they are going to go with me tomorrow in school so I can take the entrance exam, enroll and get my subjects. Hopefully, everything will turn out ok and fast.

"So Gwyn, will be ok here by yourself? It's dark already and we really need to leave." Nick ask me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine here. Don't worry about me guys, I'm a big girl I can handle myself already." I replied playfully.

"Of course we know you can handle yourself, but what we aren't sure you can handle about is the people around you." Devie commented worriedly. I know what she meant by that.

"Really guys, I can handle it. Don't worry, I won't punch anyone. Not now at least." I said while thinking those time I punched someone before that he got a big bump and bruise in his head. I cringe at the thought.

"Well then, we'll go now. Just text or call if you need us ok?" Nick acting all mature and serious.

"I will. Thank you guys. See you tomorrow." I waive at them and then turn to get inside the house. Devie and Nick then headed to their dorm. I silently walk upstairs towards my new room. For a moment there, I just stood at the door thinking who are inside the room now. I hope it's only Iren in there. I made friends with her a while ago, I think. I breathe out a sigh and slowly turn on the doorknob and push the door open hesitantly.

"About time you're back bitch." I was stun with the way Iren greeted me. I'm not offended though, I was just not expecting that from her, at least, this early in time.

"Hey! Uhmm...I was just having dinner with my cousins." I answered a bit hesitant.

"That's fine. I was just feeling a bit lonely without no one but myself here." She said lowly, something flash in her eyes, but before I caught what it was, it's already gone.

"The others hasn't arrived yet?" I ask while seating in my bed and absentmindedly fixing my pillow and blanket.

"Not until the next day I think." I nodded and we became silent. The air was not awkward though, but I can feel something heavy from her. I'm not sure but as I discreetly look at her, she seemed lost with her thoughts. There was something in her that makes me ask myself, how was her life back home? I don't know why I think that but I know there was something in her eyes. Pain and emptiness. I am not so sure yet, but as I look at her longer, it feels like I am looking myself in the mirror with her looks.

"So, from where you came from?" I decided to open up a conversation with her. If it will be me and her in this room for more than a day, might as well make friend with her before the rest of the occupants arrive. At least by then, I already have someone I can talk to if no one of them wants to talk to me.

"I'm from Cagayan. How about you?" She snap out of her thoughts and turn her full attention to me.

"I'm from Zamboanga. So, what year are you now?"

"Is this the part where I need to say something about myself?" She asked with humor and I smiled at that.

"I think it is. So Iren, will say something about yourself?" I go along with her cockiness.

"I should be hire after this", she shake her head but I can tell she's thinking something. "What should I tell you? I don't have that "something" about myself that is worthy to tell to anyone." I frown at that. What does she mean?

"Ok, my name is Iren Graves. 19 years old from Cagayan. Taking up Social Studies. I think that's all?" She looked at me with a raise brow.

"Well, my turn. I'm Gwyn Marshall, 19 and taking up Entrepreneurship." I offer a small smile at her after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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