Who's Kylo Ren?

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Hi! I am sorry to disappoint you - this is not an update. Well...kind of. My muse kicked in and to avoid hiatus I am writing a few chapters ahead before I publish. Until then, I would like to share a part of my new story

Who's Kylo Ren?

"Kylo Ren. Stop playing these sick games. I've saved you from dying, show me some respect," she said with disgust and turned to leave. I had noticed she had my saber on her belt. "Stop! You are mistaking me with someone else! I am Ben! Ben Solo! You know Leia Organa-Solo? She is my mother! And Han Solo, the smuggler or how'd I call him...he made the Kessel Run with this ship under 12 parsecs! And why do you have my saber with you? Did you kidnap me? If so, I have to warn you, I am a Jedi!" The girl stopped and looked back at me. I don't know if my words scared her, I didn't want her to be uncomfortable with me. I felt attached to her. My soul was craving for her presence.

For more read the full chapter. It's in my published books. I hope you enjoyed - please be patient with me, I'll continue all my stories as soon as possible. Feedback is welcomed!
🌟 Darth Reney

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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