Otto: text messages

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Is very sad and a bit long??? Whateves, enjoy. Also, you're in your own band and you and Otto are on separate tours in different countries.

Y/n the great: Can I say something?

Semi-ottomatic: you can always talk to me babe

Y/n the great: I'm scared. I'm scared of long distance. I'm scared of this. I'm scared one day you'll be so used to sleeping alone you won't love me anymore. I'm scared one day you'll find someone better than me. I'm scared you'll get tired of long distance. I'm scared, because I love you so much. I'm scared because I've never been so in love with someone, especially when our careers are taking off. We're in different countries, different time zones, different lives. I'm scared that I'm thinking this way. I'm scared everything I said will become true. I can't lose you. No matter how often you say that I'll never lose you, I can't help but feel scared. I'm sorry that I may sound clingy, or annoying, but this is how I've been feeling for a while now. And you've always told me to tell you if somethings bothering me. So I said it, what scares me is your response.

Semi-ottomatic: Y/N, there will never be a time I won't love you. There will never be a time where I won't miss you, your personality, the feeling of your skin, your kisses. I'll admit, I don't like long distance. But I don't like it because I can't see you, physically be with you. There's no one better than you. Honestly, I'm scared of losing you. So in conclusion, Y/N I love you and you will not lose me, I'll make sure of it.

Y/N the great: I love you.

Semi-ottomatic: I love you and I'm in love with you Y/F/N.

Wasn't that an emotional roller coaster?

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