Geoff: lost

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Geoff sat in the dark of room, hiding away from the phone that taunted him from across the room. His room was a mess. His comforter was across the room, his mattress was upside down, everything on his desk was on the floor, and there was a hole punched into the wall. The Neighbourhood could quietly be heard playing from a record player, although Geoff paid no attention to it. The events prior couldn't get out of his head.

Time skip to a few hours earlier

"Hey Y/N, come here for a second?" Geoff called out, his voice shaky and tears threatening to leave his eyes.
No more than a second later, Y/N was there and at his side, at an attempt to comfort him in whatever was happening.

"Geoff, sweetheart, what's wrong?" She/he asked softly, trying not to upset or scare Geoff, he/she knew how hostile he got.

"I-I-I can't d-do this a-anymore." Geoff merely whispered, his voice cracking and stammering.

"Can't do what?" Y/N innocently asked, unsure of the situation.

"THIS!" Geoff practically yelled, losing his temper and scaring Y/N to the point where she/he just want to curl into a ball. Geoff stood up from where he was sitting and started pacing.

"I can't do this relationship. The band is going somewhere and I can't have an annoying little bitch following me around everywhere like a lost puppy." He said coldly, not even aware of how much he was hurting Y/N at the moment. Y/N didn't even want to be there at the moment, and apparently Geoff felt the same. So he/she did the only rational thing.

He/she stood up, went to their room, grab the biggest suitcase he/she could find and shoved all her/his belongings in there. She/he quickly grabbed a backpack and put some shoes, her/his wallet, a hoodie, and her/his laptop and chargers. She/he quickly slipped on her/his jacket and grab her/his suitcase. Y/N quickly ran downstairs and out the door, not before grabbing her/his car keys. She/he threw her/his stuff in the back and drove off. Geoff didn't even what happened, he was crying in the corner of the room where he just yelled prior.

Back to the present

Geoff didn't even know why he said those thing. He didn't feel that way, not a single bit. He adored Y/N, her/his loving personality. He couldn't get the image of her/his face out of his head when he yelled at him/her. It scared him how quickly he lost the love of his life. They had been friends since 6th grade and they just started dating no more than a year and a half ago. It scared him how attached he got to him/her.

After another 20 minutes or so, Geoff felt as his he had the strength to stand up. He walked over to a mirror he had in the corner of his room. His eyes were red and puffy, his dark circles prominent. His hair was a mess from constantly running his hand through it, and his shirt was wet from tears. He started at his reflecting for five minutes before walking over to his bed and checking his phone. 56 unread messages, 4 missed phone calls. He ignored those for a second, deciding to check Instagram. Instead he was hit with photos and comments, some of remorse and some of anger and hate. Somehow paparazzi saw and heard the whole argument. Y/N was in a band of her/his own, and her/his fandom could be very feisty. He closed out Instagram and checked the messages. 28 from Awsten, 28 from Otto. He quickly read through them, all of them scolding him for what he did. Awsten was one of Y/N best friends, and Otto was practically his/her brother. He decided he needed to make thinks right. He went to your contact and his thumb wavered over the call button. He quickly pressed it and put his phone to his ear.

The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service-

He didn't bother listening to the rest. He yelled in frustration. He yelled and yelled, punched a wall, pulled his hair. He eventually slid down a wall. Knowing Y/N, he/she would probably move out of town. He officially lost the person of his dreams. He slowly bent over and opened the draw to his nightstand. He took out the little black box, and opened it, admiring the ring inside. He started crying again, not in frustration, but sadness and realization.

I lost him/her.

Played over in his mind.

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