Otto: I'm a great liar

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"Hey, uh, Y/N, can you come here for a minute?" Your best friend Otto says from the living room. You were sitting on your bed in your room when you hear him, so you quickly get up and go to the living room.

"Yeah Otto?" You ask as you enter the room.

"Can you help me with, uh, relationship problems?" He said. Your heart sunk a little. You always had a crush on him, but never really wanted to act on your feelings.

"Sure, who's the lucky gal? Or guy? Tell me about them." You say.

"Um gal/guy. He/she has some of the prettiest hair I've ever seen, bright eyes and an amazing smile. He/she's really nice, understanding and friendly. You actually know him/her, you guys have known each other for a while. I wanted to ask you because you guys are really similar. How should I ask her/him out?" Knowing how shy Otto can be, and knowing they act like you, you thought of the best solution.

"Hmm, the best way to ask them out either is to be upfront about it, or maybe send them a letter?" You suggest. Otto thinks for a second, taking in what you said.

"Yeah, I-I think I'll do the letter." He says getting up. He gives you a quick hug while saying thanks.

The next day.

You hung out at your house the whole day because you had nothing better to do. At least that's what you were telling yourself. The truth was you had small hope that maybe Otto was talking about you and that he was sending you the letter. By the time it was 9pm, you knew the letter wasn't for you and your happiness dropped. You wasted a whole day for nothing. Just as you were going to sleep at 10pm you heard a knock on the door. You quietly went downstairs incase it was some murder and checked the peephole. It was Otto, looking very cold and very nervous. You open the door scaring Otto. You barely get out a hello before he shoves something in your arms and runs off, probably pack to his house. You, confused, close the door and walk inside examining what he gave you. You saw it was a letter and your heart fluttered. You opened it and took out a sheet of paper.

I was hoping or this letter to arrive earlier in the day, and I realized. It was Sunday. So here I am, 9:00 at night writing this quick explanation. Now on to the actual letter.

You're probably confused. You're probably asking "Why is he giving this letter to me?" Well, yesterday when I asked you on advice on my "friend", I was talking about you. I'm a great liar, I know. Y/N, I've liked you for a while now. Scratch that, more like two years. I'm not sure if you like me back, but I'm still going to ask you this. Will you go on a date with me? Don't feel obliged to say yes, because I will deal with that rejection.

I'm aware now it's late at night, but I'm not gonna be able to sleep if you dorm respond so please please PLEASE text me your answer.


Smiling, you run to your room and grab your phone. You quickly unlock it and open iMessage. You open Otto's contact and type a quick respond.

Y/N: yes

Wasn't that cute?

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