Awsten: I may be a stranger but I'm no stanger to depression

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You sat on a cold, metal bench in the middle of a deserted park. You didn't even know why you thought it was a good idea to go out there. It was the middle of winter, it was supposed to snow, and the worst of it all, you were alone. Bad things tended to happen when you were alone. You hated even thinking about it.

You could see a few flakes falling from the sky and decided to stay only for 10 more minutes. Although, every minute feeling like a century. You didn't even know why you were feeling this way. Constantly sad, empty, lonely, confused, used. You had a great life. The more you thought about it though, the more you realize something. Bad things always happened to good people. Everyone else who feels this way probably doesn't deserve this, and you don't either. But you couldn't change it.

You were lost in your own thought, you didn't notice a pale man with bright blue hair and sunglasses, despite the cloudy weather, sit on the other side of the bench. He noticed you were deep in thought and he didn't want to scare you, so he reach his hand out as warning that he was there. You noticed an outstretched hand and took it, shaking it. You looked over to see the man. You were about to say something, but he started.

"I may be a stranger, but I'm no stranger to depression. Or the look it gives it victims. Want to talk?" He offered. You shook your head and talk in a quiet voice.

"Talking about it makes it worse, makes me exaggerate things till they get to that point." You said staring off in the dead field of grass in front of you.

"Been there." Was all he said in response. You two sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke again.

"You know, the world truly doesn't want it's people to suffer, but the monster that is depression does." You look over at him with a confused face.

"I like to think about depression as a little monster. It has its fears, it's hopes, and it's evil tendencies. It feeds off the sadness of others. No one knows what it looks like because it hides behind a mask (of my disguise). That's why depression is different for everyone." He said in a soft voice. You had found this man quite intriguing. Before you could get up and ask for his number to continue talking, he got up first.

"Well, I'm here with my friend Jawn and he's probably looking for me. It was my pleasure speaking to you, mystery lady/man. I hope we'll speak again." With that, he dropped a little sheet of paper on the bench with his number on it and walked away.

Ahh that was dark. But it was very reflective of me. Both Awsten and y/n. I hope y'all enjoyed.

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