love is clear

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Max's pov

Hi I am Max, I am crazy in love with Bella, a gorgeous and amazing girl. I live with my son Noah who is 1, I am 17 and got kicked out of home when I was 16 after my girlfriend had Noah and died from giving birth. From that day I promised I would take care of him for as long as I live. I am a cop, one of the best actually and have just been moved up to SWAT as a captain it has been great and my team is one of the best if I do say so myself.

Noah's pov

I'm Noah and I am 1! My daddy is the coolest and my daddy's friend is great she treats me like I am hers, she loves my cuteness and funnyness she is always telling me I am amazing and don't let anyone bring me down and her brother hunter is amazing he loves playing cars and running around with me.

Bella's pov

Hi I am Bella I am 16 I live with my older brother hunter. I fell in love with max and his little boy Noah. My parents died in a car crash when I was 5 and my brother was 10 we lived with our uncle Mike when my brother was 16 he moved out I was 11 and my brother fought for custody and got me on my 12th birthday as it was only 2 days after he tried getting custody. I am a paramatic and I get called in for most SWAT injuries, I'm scared whenever I get called in to Max being the one injured.

Hunter's pov

Hi I am hunter, 21 and I have a younger sister Bella she is 16 and has a boyfriend Max who has a little son, Noah who is 1 years of age. He is very cute and fun to be around and I look after him whenever Max and Bella go on dates. I am a professional lifeguard and we live in Sydney.

Max's pov

It is Tuesday and I get Noah and myself ready to go out for dinner with Bella and Hunter. Although Noah is 1 he is very well behaved except the fact that Noah has trouble hearing. The doctor say Noah will be death 'till he is 14 or 15, we have already had problems where we ended up in the hospital but his hearing is not the only problem we have, we also have gone in hospital for his asthma anyways we made it to in and out we ordered and sat down. We spoke about how we have been and then bella said she wanted to talk to me alone, so Hunter took Noah to play she started talking saying something like she missed me and Noah a lot while she was away on a trip I cut in and said I had something to say she let me go on
"I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, we have been dating for 3 years and I want to move on with our life"
I got down on one knee pulling out a diamond ring
"Will you marry me?" she smiled "Yes" I jumped up and gave her a big hug and kiss as everyone around cheered Hunter and Noah came back
"What's happening?" Hunter asked
Bella shows him the ring, he was a bit mad but happy his little sister was growing up and was happy she was going to marry someone he knew would take care of her and wouldn't hurt her.

Bella's pov

We were sitting down and we just ordered dinner at in and out I needed to talk to Max, I NEED to tell him tell him that I didn't know if I had feelings for him anymore. Hunter had taken Noah to play, I started to slowly speak when Max cut in and started saying how much he loved me as if he knew what I was going to say I let him continue next thinking I know he was on his knees asking me to marry him and I said yes!! when I showed Hunter he seemed kinda mad that Max had done that but was happy that it was Max and not another guy, Hunter likes Max and trusts him also he didn't want to start trouble, I could see it on his face, he knew it was my choice. Cute little Noah just sat there not knowing what was going on his little confused face, absolutely cute!
But how in the hell do I deal with my problem now!

Hunter's pov

We are at in and out waiting for dinner when Bella says she needs to talk to max so I grab Noah and take him to play. When we got back everyone was cheering and I see Bella and max hugging and kissing I walk up with Noah "what is happening!!"
I say scared of what they would say Bella then shows me a diamond ring saying they are getting married I am mad but I don't want to say or show it. I know Bella can tell but says nothing knowing I just wanted to let it go and poor Noah has no clue whats going on he is just sitting there kicking his legs with a confused face waiting for his food.

Noah's pov

We are at one of my favourite places to eat and its me, my daddy, my daddy's friend bella and her brother hunter. We are waiting for our food when hunter grabs me and takes me to play, when we got back I had no idea what was happening I sit down kicking my legs and waiting for our food "I am soo Hungry!!" I sream and everyone sits down and food arrived "food yay!!!" I yell hunter, daddy and Bella look at me weirdly I look up with a death stear so they stop looking at me but that just made them laugh.

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