comes back to life

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Max's pov

The last thing I remember is getting beaten up and hunter coming to help me and rushing me to hospital I look down and see blood I am covered in blood and I feel like I have just being hit with a train I can't move or get up I see hunter Noah and ana standing there when my heart slowly stops beating and my eyes start closing and pictures of my whole life start rolling in my mind and then everything goes blank.

Hunter's pov

The doctor walks over and says " we have tried everything we could but he didn't make it he had loss to much blood but we have him on life support and we will see how that goes" my head drops like something hevy I am thinking of texting Bella but I don't what her coming here I look at Noah and ana sitting there they are both asleep on the chair together I turn to the doctor and ask" can we see him?" The doctor says yes I wake Noah and ana and carry them to the room and lay them next to max, max's great is beatening but the machine is doing most of the work.

Noah's pov

I know what is going on but I am trying to be strong for both daddy and ana. Hunter wakes me and ana up and carry us to this room where daddy is laying there hunter puts me and ana on daddy so we are all laying together I hug daddy tiely and never let go hunter sit down and soon passes out when there is a flat beep hunter jumps up and grabs me and ana out of the way and people start running in and yelling all this stuff at each other after a couple minutes one of them look up and shake their hand at everyone and everyone backs off while someone disconnects the life support they walk out giving us a minute to say good bye I say good bye and kiss and hug daddy I am holding ana and lay her next to daddy hunter is trying not to cry we sit down and wait for a second when.... To be continued

Thanks guys love all you monkeys out there please let me know what you all think.

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