new baby

11 1 3

9 mounths later

Max's pov

Well Noah has a new baby sister and I guess he loves her cause he just wants to help out and hold her a lot it is so cute when he hugs and kisses her when even Noah laughts and smiles she does to "now just to come up with a name for her" I say " Ana" Noah yells everyone looks at me and nods in agreement I look at Noah and smile he smiles back looking happier then ever like he wants to jump up and down but he doesnt why doesn't he jump up and down and scream well he is sitting on a couch with little Ana sleeping " wow Noah got Ana to sleep" I say Noah has replied to this pretty good.

Noah's pov

" MINE ALL MINE" I yell " DON'T TOUCH" I scream " sshh baby is sleeping" I say my new baby sister is so cute I will take good care of her and make sure no one hurts her I love hugging my baby sister I love my baby sister when I hear daddy ask what are we going to name her I yelled out " Ana" everyone nods at daddy and daddy look at me and smille I smille back I want to jump up and Down but my little baby sister Ana is sleeping I don't want to move her,let her go or wake her I can't wait till we get home ana is sharing my room with me and I get to help take care of her I am so excited. We are on our way home with ana and she is sitting right next to me so I can keep her safe and happy we arrive home and I get out and run ahead I clean up all my toys and put those little thingings on that daddy had on all the draws and stuff so I didn't get into stuff when daddy and hunter come in with ana they see what I have done daddy hands ana to hunter and kneels done and opens his arms I run up and hug daddy he stands up and swings around I giggle and daddy says " thank you son you are going to be the best big brother anyone could ever have " I then telling daddy that I want to spend my money I saved to get sister some  clothes and toys daddy nods and hunter says he will take me. Hunter and daddy swop me and ana so now hunter is holding me and daddy is holding ana we say good bye and head off to the shops I jump and skip around grabbing toys and clothes for ana we pay and head back home when hunter gets a text ' Bing' we turn in the next street and go into the drive throw of starbucks we order and head home again.

Hunter's pov

" aaww she is so cute" I say looking that ana I wonder if it really is max's kid I mean not being mean or anything but knowing now why my sister has been going out a lot it has me wondering but I know his or not he will love it like his own anyway to be truthful max is headleing it well better they I through he would but then again he knows and feels he has to be strong for Noah and when he found out about his new baby he must think that he can't do anything like going out and having time for him self but he knows that I am here and I will help I am thinking of telling him to go out tonight and that I will drop him off and pick him up and I will take care of the kids well look Noah and Noah look after ana cause Noah loves ana he won't let his sister go how cute haha we get home and I suggest it to max and he agrees finally I get him out of the house to have time to himself and relax. I drop max off at a bar and go out with Noah and ana to kill some time before we pick max up we have dinner then go shopping. On the way back to pick Jonas I see someone get beaten up by a couple of guys and I keep driving till I realize its max I do a U trun and pull over I get out and punch one of the guys he tries to punch me when I duck and punch him again he goes down and I grab the next guy and throw him off max and into a pole the third guy thinks he is tuffer but goes down with one punch I look at max who is covered in blood with a couple stab holes where he had been stabbed I grab him and put him in the car I can tell max is drunk I can smell it I take him to the hospital and tell the lady what happened and they get max a room to lay down they have him on a lot of machines one with a blood drop we sit in the room when his great starts dropping and there is a loud beeping noise which means we r losing him nurses and dieters run in its like our whole life is flashing before our eyes they soon wheel him out of the room when they get him stable and the nurse tells us he needs surgery I cover my face with my hands and scream I GUESS understand what is going on cause his is holding ana and crying poor things they are only young. After waiting 4 hours the doctor comes out and walks to us and starts to say " hey we have done all we can..... To be continued

Thank you my little monkey viewers hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to write the nested chapter and please go check out my friend theli0nk1ngl0ver thanks again guys please let me know what you think of it even if you this it is bad I just want to know what yous think.:-) :-D

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