Three Years Later...

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"Come on, it's starting." I said gathering everyone around the living room.

"Mom, it's not that serious." I sent a playful glare towards my son.

"My son and his band mates filmed a documentary on their tour life. It's a big deal to me, let me have my moment." Wesley held his hands up in surrender and leaned back into the couch.

Our kids had been working nonstop since the competition. Although only Kristen won, the rest still had a chance at the big league.

Their fathers were musicians for crying out loud. Personally, I thought it was stupid that they even entered. They already had a shoe in the door.

Although, I do understand why they did it.

Stephanie is now three, Melody is six, Kristen - twenty and Wesley is now twenty one.

My kids were growing by the second and I loved every minute of it. Kristen and Wesley were still doing music, professionally now.

They were no longer basement and garage kids. They were TV screens and stadium adults.

Kristen won a Grammy in the three years she had been singing. Her song 'Toy Soldiers'
won Record of the Year.

They were doing amazing things and as their mother, I couldn't be more proud.


Having two four year olds and a nineteen year old was stressful.

However, since Lucas was occupied with his new album, documentary, and tour - it took a lot off of my plate.

Not much had changed in our household. Lucas was more open to us and the girls were now toddlers but that was it.

Our day to day routines pretty much just intensified, but still the same nonetheless.

Lucas and his band, 1964, were doing big things. They were one of the most popular brands out. They were huge in Australia, probably because of their fathers.

Luke and I were in a good place, after all the rumors about Mia and Luke died down. He was completely faithful to me and our family.

It wasn't his fault that she wasn't the same way. Lucas was happy and he was starting to express himself more and more.

Whether it was because of their expanded fanbase or his relationship, he was happy.

Our little family was in a good place. The girls were in preschool and as they grew, their personality became more noticeable.

Although I love Luke, I was glad they didn't inherit his introverted tendencies.


"Becareful, Matty!" I yelled, breathing out a laugh. My not so baby, baby boy giggled as he clumsily ran around the back yard.

"Hey, mom." Chloe greeted, sitting down next to me on the grass. "Hey, love. Did you need something?"

Chloe and Andria didn't live at home with us anymore. The two of them set off to Malibu to begin their career together.

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