I Missed You

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Mon-El's POV
As I entered the building instead of going to my desk I decided to wait for Kara in her office. "Hello, Mon-El" a low voice said making me jump, I scrambled to the light switch to reveal a frustrated looking Clark Kent sitting in the chair behind the desk. "Oh, hi, Mr. Kent" I said closing the door. "My name is Mike here, please don't call me Mon-El" I whispered as he sat down. "Ok, Mike" Clark said like it was some kind of joke. "So what are you doing here" I said still sorta angry from our last encounter. "Just visiting my cousin, of course" Clark said staring at me. "Where is she she?" Clark asked pointedly. "She should be here any minute, there was an armed robbery down town" he said avoiding eye contact. A few minutes later I heard Kara's clumsy fumbling as she walked out of the alley she had landed in and in to Cat Co. I heard her almost drop all her papers,  her clumsyness is so cute he thought as a smile appeared on his face. About five minutes later Kara was walking out of the elevator towards her office.
Kara's POV
As I entered my office I saw Mon-El and Kal-El sitting in my office. "Clark" I squealed as I set my stuff down and went around my desk to hug him, Mon-El shut the door behind us. "I'm so happy to see you" I said hugging him tighter. "I missed you" Clark said as we let go of each other. "I missed you too" I said still so happy to see my cousin. As I went back to sit by Mon-El I gave him a kiss which lasted longer than expected and I ended up tangling my fingers in his hair. "Ehhmm" I heard Clark say which made me jump a little I had forgot he was there, I pulled away from the kiss and sat in Mon-El's lap his arm wrapped tightly around me. "Uh, sorry" I said blushing and looking down. "It's fine" Clark said through his teeth. Soo, umm, not to be rude ,but... Why are you here"? I said just realizing there must be a reason for his visit. "I wanted to visit you... And I had a couple days off work but Lois had to go out of town for work, so I decided to come see you" Clark confessed. "Well Im glad you did, and your welcome to stay at our place while your here" she said gesturing to Mon-El. "I'm sorry 'our place" Clark said qouting my previous sentence. "You two already live together? " he asked anger flaring up in him. "Y-y-yes" I said scared from his sudden flare in anger. I felt Mon-El protectively pull me between him and the chair, so he was slightly in front of me. "Oh would you stop with the protectiveness we all know I won't hurt her, only you" Clark said the fire burning in his eyes. "Well I don't want her hurt because your foolish grudge against Daxamites" Mon-El said pulling me more behind him. "Oh please, we all know it's an act now what do you want from my cousin?" Clark asked standing from his chair. "I already told you, I wish nothing of ur cousin, I only want to love and to protect her" Mon-El said standing up defensively. "No you don't, what do you actually want you filthy Daxamite" Clark spat out at Mon-Els face. I saw Mon-El clenching his fist really trying to control him self. I got to distracted by the muscles in his arm how they flalexed when he clenched his fist to care about the fight any more so I just stared in awe at his arms. I was snapped out of my gazing when Mon-El lifted his hand to punch Clark, using super speed I jump towards Mon-El and grabbed his fist quickly lacing my finger in his hand. "Not here" I said bringing his hand between us and squeezing it, he calmed down right away. "Why don't want him to get revealed for the monster he is" Clark scoffed. I looked at Clark completely speechless I was so shocked. Then the tears came. "Get out" I said to clark burrying my self in Mon-El's chest not able to look at Clark. "I'm sorry" he said. "No, you crossed a line. GET OUT!" I yelled by not loud enough for any humans to here. I heard him scoff then leave the room with a little to loud slam of the door. "Kara?" I heard Mon-El said when the door closed. "Are you ok?" he asked running his fingers through my hair in a soothing way. "I wannna go home, can we go home now Mon-El just play hookie for the day?" I asked looking up at him with tear stained cheeks. "I'm sorry what does hookie mean?" he asked looking at me confused. I laughed "I'll explain on our way home", "come on let's go"I said hopping up. "Ok" he said. We decided to walk the four blocks back to the apartment stopping to get lunch for later on the way there. We talked about all the words an their meanings,  he was so cute when he was confused.

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