Impulse x Reader

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It was just another normal day for me, sitting in my house. Except I was extremely bored. Nothing exciting was happening, so I was sitting in my living room, flipping the channels on the TV. My parents were out working, so I had the whole house to myself.

My best friend, Bart Allen, was busy at the moment, so hanging out with him wasn’t really an option right now. I sighed and pulled myself off of the couch. I would have to find something else to occupy myself. Obviously nothing in my house was doing the job, so it was time to venture outside, unusual as it was for me.

The air outside was slightly chilly, so I brought a small jacket with me. It seemed peaceful outside. People were walking together, there were kids in the park, restaurants and cafes were full. Life in Central City seemed great. I just wish Bart was here. Oh well, I’ll have to spend today without him.

The thing is, I kind of liked him. Y’know, as more than friends. I was pretty sure he didn’t feel that way about me. Why should he?

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard something loud ahead of me. I looked closer and saw blurs of color moving quickly around the city. When they stopped, I saw Flash, Kid Flash, and Impulse standing together, all three of them. They had just apprehended a few criminals, all in a day’s work for them. I looked up to all three of them as amazing heroes, but I especially liked Impulse. He was just so cool, and frankly, kinda cut, too. I stood there, watching in awe as they handed the criminals over to the police. I might as well have been drooling at that point, which I probably was.

By now, a crowd of people had gathered around them, cheering for them. I was at the front of the crowd, clapping along with a few other people. Impulse turned and bowed.

“No need to thank us. That’s what we’re here for after all,” he said, scanning the crowd. His eyes found mine, and I saw him smile and wink at me. My face heated up. Impulse, the Impulse, just winked at me. I smiled back at him. The crowd started dissipating as the speedsters were finishing up with the police.

I decided it was best if I left, too, and made my way towards the park. I sat on a swing, slowly pushing myself.  No one else was there besides me, so I was all alone. Until a pair of hands covered my eyes, that is.

“Guess who?”

“Hm, I don’t know. Is it Captain America?” I heard laughter from behind me.

“Yeah, you wish. Try again.” I feigned a thinking pose, though I had figured out who it was from the start.

“I don’t know, who?” Hands were lifted from my face, and Bart stood in front of me, posing.

“It’s your greatest, bestest friend in the whole world, that’s who!” I laughed at him. He was so funny, I loved it.

“I thought you were busy today.” Bart rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yeah, something came up, but I’m totally free right now. Pretty crash, right?” I nodded and Bart hopped onto the swing next to me.

“So, anything interesting happen to you today?” I thought for a second and shrugged.

“No, not really.” Bart frowned.

“Nothing. Nothing crash at all?” I thought again and jumped up in excitement.

“Oh! Well, I did get to see Impulse today. He was putting some bad guys in jail. It was so cool!” Bart rolled his eyes.

“Of course. You love that guy. You always talk about him all the time.”

“He’s just, for lack of a better word.” I shrugged and smirked at him. “You’re not jealous, are you?” Bart scoffed and stuttered, trying to speak.

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