Tim Drake x Reader

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Okay, this was the third Tim x reader requested. You guys really like Tim, huh? This was requested by emmaify12345.

Tim and I were sitting in the car together, driving towards Wayne Manor to meet his family. I had heard so much about them and couldn't wait to finally meet them.

"Damian's the one you really have to watch out for," he explained to me. "He will most likely try to kill you or something. He's like that." Sounds like an interesting kid. Tim goes on to explain the extent of Damian's supposed evilness.

"He's very good with weapons, and he likes to disappear on you, making him even more dangerous. So watch out for him." I nodded. Damian really did sound like a demon child. I was prepared to stay vigilant with him around.

All too soon, we had arrived at Wayne Manor. Tim parked the car and sighed deeply. He took a deep breath and let the engine stop. I put a hand his reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Tim. Everything will go fine." He put on a smile despite his clear worry. We walked to the door hand-in-hand. Tim knocked, and older, well-dressed man opened the door.

"Master Tim, you're gone for once. And who might this be?" He turned to me questioningly.

"Alfred, this is my girlfriend, (Y/n)." I held out my hand to Alfred.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Alfred shook my hand and bowed

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss (Y/n)," he said, grinning politely. Alfred stepped aside to let us in the Manor. The place was huge, just as you'd expect from the home of a billionaire playboy. Though it was anything but quiet. Screaming and yelling was heard throughout the Manor.

"Those would be my brother's," Tim stated unenthusiastically. Three boys came rushing down the stairs, the younger one being carried by the older two.

"Grayson, Todd, let go of me this instance!" The younger boy yelled, his face red with anger.

"No can do, Little D," one of the older brothers said. I stifled a laugh while watching them. The younger one, Damian I had heard them call him, noticed Tim and I near the doorway. He narrowed his eyes in Tim's direction.

"Drake, help me. Now," Damian demanded. Tim held up his hands in surrender, not wanting to get involved in anything. Damian grew angrier at Tim's neutrality.

"My father will hear about this! Unless you let me go right now!" Alfred stepped in and stopped the boys.

"Alright, I believe young Master Damian has had quite enough from you two." Damian was set down on his feet. He crossed his arms and huffed, glaring down his brothers. I laughed at how adorable he looked when he was angry. This caught their attention. They turned to Tim and I, finally taking notice of me.

"Oh, who's this, Tim?" One of the older brothers asked, a smirk on his face. I was guessing this was Jason. Tim had told me a bit about him.

"Oh, you must be (Y/n), Tim's girlfriend." The third boy, Richard I presumed, held out his hand to me with a big smile on his face. I shook his hand and nodded.

"You must be Richard, right?" He nodded.

"Yeah, but just call me Dick." I nodded in understanding. My eyes went back to Damian. Damian looked me over, then eventually put his hand out. I politely shook his hand.

"Damian Wayne," he introduced himself as. "How is it that Drake can get a girl as pretty as you?" Tim went red and narrowed his eyes at Damian. Damian merely smirked.

"Thank you, Damian," I said, giggling. "You're not nearly as terrible as Tim made you out to be."

"Of course he would try to make me seem bad. He's just jealous that I'm better than him, so he normally feels the need to put me down." Tim rolled his eyes at the shorter boy. I looked away from them when a man walked in. Bruce Wayne. I had seen him a number of times on television.

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