Jason x Reader

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I was walking down the street, just leaving work. My day was very long and stressful, and I wanted nothing more than to go home. See, I work at Wayne Enterprises as a secretary. It might not seem like a big job, but a lot of people come by WE, and a lot of important people have appointments to speak with Bruce Wayne. It gets tiring dealing with those people all day. To add to that, I had a big tub of ice cream waiting in the freezer at home for me. I could practically hear it calling my name as I continued my walk.

My train of thought was derailed as I was pulled off by an unseen figure. Whoever they were, they dragged me into an alleyway where no one could see us. I was pushed up against the wall, a sharp knife pressed against my throat. I realized too late that the figure holding me was a man. I could see his yellow teeth, and his breath smelled like alcohol. I scrunched up my nose as his face got closer to mine.

“Hey there, beautiful. I’m sorry about this, but I’m gonna need that purse of yours. Do that for me and we won’t have any problems.” I glared and summed up all of the courage I could, which more than I had expected of myself.

“Fuck off.” The man frowned and sighed. He pulled back the knife, looking at it.

“I didn’t want to have to do anything to you, but I guess we’ll do this the hard way.” He readied the knife again and made a forward motion, as if about to stab me. I squeezed my eyes shut, ready to feel the inevitable onslaught of pain. But I felt nothing. There was a clatter as something hit the ground near my feet. When I opened my eyes, the man was on the ground at the feet of someone else, and the knife lay near my feet. The man was pleading with the other figure.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean nothing by it, Hood. Honest,” he said frantically. The figure stepped forward a bit and grabbed the man by the collar. He had a red helmet covering his face, and was wearing a leather jacket.

“Nothing, my ass. You know, I’ve got a gun right here with your name written all over it. It’d be a shame if I were to use it on you.” He raised a gun to the man’s head, causing him to snivel at the figure’s feet.

“Please! Have mercy!”

“Sorry, mercy isn’t in my vocabulary.” He pulled the trigger, which made me jump in shock. The man’s body fell to the ground with a thud. You stared down at the body in disbelief. Did that really just happen? I just someone get shot! Now would be a great for that ice cream. The figure looked over in your direction.

“You good?” I shook my head, unable to form words at the moment. “Good, let’s go.”

“What?” I’m so confused right now. What?

“I said, let’s go. I’ll walk you home. That’s where you were walking, right?”

“Uh, yeah.” I follow him out of the alley and back onto the sidewalk. He asks me for directions, and I steer him in the right direction, straight to my house. As we’re walking, he tries to talk, which I found surprising since he had been silent most of the way.

“Sorry you had to see that back there. Things got a bit messier than I thought they would.” I smiled at him, letting him know I was fine.

“It’s okay. You saved me, and that’s all that matters, right?” He nods and looks back in front of him. “So, yeah. Thanks, um...Red Hood, right?” I remembered hearing about him in the Gotham Gazette a lot. He was well known here in Gotham. “So why did you help me, anyways?”

“What, I can’t help a pretty girl?” I blush bright red and punch him in the arm. He laughs, which is a nicer sound than I had anticipated. Not that it had crossed my mind.

“Hey, I may be a ‘bad guy’, but that doesn’t mean I’m a bad guy. Make sense?” I nodded in understanding.

“Yeah, it does. That’s not a kind of logic you’d see in wanted criminals, though.” He shrugs and agrees with you. Red Hood really doesn’t seem like a bad guy at all. I wonder how he got started in crime then. Wrong place, wrong time? Tragic event? Probably that last one.

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