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~Friday 5:00am~

I look around the house to make sure mom is gone, then I head to wake up Tess.

"Tess, Wake up" I quietly whisper, nudging her.

"Is it time?" She asks, sitting up while rubbing her eyes. "Yes, mom is gone, get dressed into some clothes and get ready, we leave at six" I say, "Okay" she nods.

I go back to my room and pull out my outfit. (Outfit up top) and put it on. I do my makeup quickly, then put it back in my suitcase, I then grab out my phone & earphones.

I zip my suitcase back up and drag it downstairs and plonk it against the wall. I grab a granola bar for me and Tess and we start eating.

I write mom a note before we are about to leave saying:

Dear Mom,

We left this hell hole for a fresh start, a new country, a new place to call home.


Tell our teachers we are no longer a student. Thank you for reading..

 Hope you understand that we have all messed up once, but once you really mess up, you can't go back..

Love, Sam & Tess 

I take my piggy bank holding my savings with me and we are in the loungeroom ready to go.



"Ready to go?" I ask Tessa. She nods nervously and we take out suitcases and head out. We look back at this old hell hole once more before turning around.

We were never looking back.


We finally get to the airport that was close to our house, Tess & I sat down at the bench, waiting for our flight to be called.

"Flight 101 boarding flight to Sydney, Australia", The speakers spoke. 

"That's us" I smile at Tess.

We board on the plane and sat on a two seat, me being on the window side, and Tessa being on the isle side.

I grab out my earphones and Tessa grabs out hers and we both start listening to music. I lean my head against the window as the plane starts lifting off into the air.

I soon find myself drifting off into a deep sleep.


"Sam" I hear Tessa say, nudging me lightly.

"Hmm?" I ask tiredly.

"We're here" She whispers. "Already?" I ask looking out the window. Wow.. Sydney was even more beautiful than I thought it was.

"Yeah, Its beautiful" She sighs. "What if mom finds us?" She adds on, with a worried expression.

"She won't. She can't track us down. We are way from home" I say reassuring her.

"Okie" She says a little less worriedly.

We unbuckle our seatbelts and hop off of the plane, than we get our suitcases and head over to the uber.

"Would you like me to take that for you?" The thick Australian accent of the uber driver asked.

"Uh yes please" I smile, he kindly returns the smile and puts our bags in the back.

Imagination //Jakob Delgado//Where stories live. Discover now