Chapter 7 - Going "Surfing"

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After all that unpacking she had done last night her parents decided that a break was in order and let her go to the beach. She walked around in her denim shorts and tank top with her bikini underneath until she came across a large sign that said "Venice Beach" over the street. She passed the sign and walked to a spot near the water in the sand and sets up a little area for herself. As she changes from her tank top and shorts to her bikini a shirtless cute guy with a surfboard comes up to her. He suddenly starts infringing on her personal space while saying, "Hi, my name is David. What's yours, cutie?" Both flustered and uncomfortable, she quietly says, "Sam." "I'm sorry sweetheart, what'd you say?" He says while closing in further on her bubble. "SAM!" she screams accidentally into his ear due to him freaking her out. David jumps back, startled shitless. "Sorry for scaring you, I was just trying to help you hear me," Sam apologizes. "Oh, it's nothing babe," he says smoothly as if nothing happened. "Do you know how to surf?" he asks. "No," Sam responds. "Well I'll teach you," he claims. Before she can say no he grabs her, puts her onto the surfboard and begins pushing it in the water. As he pushes her, they move further and further off until she can't even see land. Once David finds the perfect surfing place (aka. In the middle of the fucking ocean) he decides that this is his perfect chance to talk her up. "So where's that cute accent from, sweet Sammy?" he questions flirtatiously. "Texas," she responds as sweetly as someone who's terrified that if they make the wrong move they'll be left in the middle of the ocean can. "So, where are you going to school?" David asks. "Hollywood High," she responds. "Wow, what a coincidence, I go to the same school. I could show you around the place if you wanted," David says. "Heh, wow..that sounds great.." Sam says with little excitement. However being that David doesn't know how to take a fucking hint he continues talking about pointless topics that anyone with a brain wouldn't care about but she quickly realizes that David doesn't have a brain. "Yeah, I'm probably one of the best football players honestly," He brags. "Oh wow.." She responds with the same response shes used for the past ten minutes. "So, since you're new to the coolest state in the country, would you like a tour?" he finally asks. "Sure..?" she says unsure as to whether or not she should punch him and go home, punch him, steal his surf board, surf for a bit, then go home or just be nice to him in hopes she'll get free food then escape when he isn't looking, "But I thought you were going to teach me how to surf.." "Well this was your first of MANY lessons, you learned how far you need to go out so that you can surf," David ignorantly reasoned. She fully understand that what he's said is complete bullshit considering the fact that the majority of the surfers are like, right next to the fucking sand but remembering the situation she's in she merely responds with, "Oh, that makes sense," with as little sarcasm as physically possible for someone who's usually the sarcasm queen.

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