Chapter 3 - The Drive

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Fucking douchebags. Those pieces of shit somehow got me banned from riding the bus due to my "problematic nature." While such is true you can't ban someone until you have a conference with their parents which didn't happen since if it had I would've known. The real reason I got ban was probably because David bribed her to since that's the only way to get her to do anything. Plus his family is rich after all. Not to mention the fact that bus driver hated me with a burning passion. Luckily, I stole these Heelies when I was in 4th grade and my feet haven't grown much since then. They're fucking awesome even if they are for kids. Idk why, but when I thought that it made me start thinking about those Trix commercials. As I was heelieing through the neighborhood and thinking about Trix a small, familiar car drove real slow next to me as though they were some sort of creeper. "Why aren't you on the bus?" a soft yet annoyed voice asked. I looked to the side to find that the source of the voice was coming from the one and only Jim. "I got banned," I replied. "Well, do you want a ride?" he asks next. I decide that, despite the coolness of wheelies, I would get home a lot faster by car. "Sure," I respond as I get into the car and position myself lay across both back seats with my shoes on the window and my hands behind my head. "So how'd you get yourself banned from the bus?" Jim finally asks. "Well what happened was that David, the kid that claimed that I was bullying him, told the bus driver about some stuff I did and banned me due to my 'problematic nature' but I honestly think that David bribed the bus driver. It's just a theory but I don't see how it could be any other way since your parents would have to have been to a shit ton of conferences and no attitude change on the kids part to get banned from the bus. Plus no one can make her do anything with giving her money plus she hates me plus David is rich so..." I explain. "Well that theory of yours is gonna stay a theory since your parents HAVE been to LOTS of conferences and you've made no proges-" Jim began. "Since when did you become David's defence attorney?" I snapped. "Matt calm down. I'm not abandoning you or saying that David is 100% innocent. I'm just saying that while he may have tipped the edge over he didn't bribe anyone or need to for that matter since the bus driver wasn't going against the rules by banning you and since you've seemed to have made a habit of insulting people if it wasn't David, it would be someone else ratting you out so this was going to happen eventually," Jim explained, "Anyway I really think that going to this club will do you some good." That's what he always says when he signs me up for shit I don't even want to do. The car falls silent. Just as he checks the rearview mirror he notices that my heelies are on his car window and barks, "Get your nasty feet off my windows!" "What? I'm wearing shoes," I respond. "That's even worse! Who knows how many types of dog shit you've stepped in!" Jim claims. "I'm pretty sure I haven't stepped into any type of dog shit," I reason. "As far as you know," he loudly mumbles as we drive up to our houses. "Hey, do you have a key for my house by any chance?" I ask. "Why don't you have your own?" Jim asks. "Well it usually takes so long for me to get home that they're usually there by the time I get there plus they're paranoid I might pull some shit if they give me keys," I respond. "No but you can hang out at my house until they come home," he says. "Ok," I say as we walk into the house I know better then the back of my hand, the house I know better then my own home....                   

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