Chapter 6 - California Life

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Sam walked from In-and-Out Burger back to her apartment where her parents and sister were busy unpacking their belongings that just came in half an hour ago from the moving van. She carried the free food she had gotten and set it on the kitchen counter. Just as she set the food down her parents yelled, "Hey Sammy, start unpacking while we eat!" "Why can't I eat too?" she asked. "Well you can eat when you've been unpacking for half an hour like the rest of us but until then get to work!" her parents replied. She grumbled as she went to her room and began unpacking her things. As she unpacked she thought about all the expectations she had had of California while at the airport in her home state Texas. She thought about how her little sister, Megan, went on and on about how amazing California was and how everyone was fashionable and beautiful and friendly there. Then she began to think about her first encounter with a California native and how dorky and anti-social he was. The thought made her realized that California was going to be nothing like Sam and her family expected.  

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