Chapter 8 - The Tour

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As they come onto land David picks up her towel and his surfboard and begins walking with her. As they walk David points to the main attractions. While showing her around David's arm slowly slithers around her waist. Suddenly a familiar voice shouts, "Heeey, Fuckboyyyy!" in an arogent manner. They both look up to see Matt rolling around on his Heelies. David's face quickly develops from a classic douchebag look to a deathly glare. Sam's face, on the other hand, develops from an awkwardly shy look to a look of relief and slight surprise. David then says, "Fuck off Matt. Hey, aren't you supposed to be grounded after that stunt you pulled at In-and-Out Burger?" "Oh so you heard? Well let's just say that a few windows were broken for my freedom," Matt responds. "Let's go into this restaurant Sam, that dickwad is banned from all the restaurants around here so we'll be safe," David whispers as though he's afraid Matt will hear him. The two of them walk to the nearest restaurant then get a table. Sam and David order some food and eat until Sam says, "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." She walks to the bathroom just as Matt starts taunting David in the restaurant. While Matt acts as the perfect distraction Sam tells the other girls about David and they decide to help her climb to the small window near the ceiling. As Sam gets her leg through the window the restaurant manager kicks out Matt. Matt then rolls around until he sees Sam looking at the ground from the girls bathroom window. Matt comes around to see her as Sam asks, "Hey Matt, if I jump out this window, will you catch me?" "Uh, well, I'll try but no promises," he replies as he brings his arms out. Sam then finds the courage to jump and gets caught by Matt right before he says, "SHIT, you're heavy as fuck!" and drops her. "Thanks," Sam says sarcastically. "Not my fault you're a fat ass.." he mumbles. "Takes one to know one, buddy," she retorts with surprising speed. "At least people won't think I have type 2 diabetes," Matt responses just as quickly. "Says the one that ordered a double cheeseburger, a large fry, an extra large soda, and a chocolate malt all during a single meal," She fires back. "Says the person who actually ate the food I ordered," He slings back at her. "Dude, I did not eat all that garbage, it was just convenient that you had to run off like that because I was supposed to get my family food," Sam reasons. "My question is if you were supposed to get your family food then why'd you just eat my fries instead of ordering your own?" Matt asked. "Well, I didn't want to spend the money my family gave me so I thought I'd just steal your food and keep the money," Sam continued. "Well you basically did.." Matt grumbled. "Oh quit your whining, you big baby. You had plenty of food," Sam remarked. "Oh shut up, you'd better get going if you don't want David to find you. I can see him making his 'I'm actually using my brain' face and any minute now he'll realize that you're not coming out of that bathroom door and will start looking for you," Matt stated. "Or just find another chick to prey upon. Besides, I didn't think he actually had a brain," she remarked. "Oh he has one but the brain is a muscle so it's a lot weaker then his six-pack he seems to show off every five seconds. Now get going or else you're dead meat," he said. "Laters," Sam whispers before giving Matt a sly smile and disappearing into the shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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