Chapter 3

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Grover's Point of View

After he came back Percy went back to his cabin. A while later he gathered me, Jason, Piper, and the Stolls, and several others so he could talk to us. he explained what had happened on Olympus and said the he would be leaving for a while. He admitted that he doubted that the gods plan would help him and I could tell that he was angry at the gods for taking away his only chance at seeing all his fallen friends again. He also said that he would keep in contact with us via Iris Messaging. He said that he was going to spend a couple weeks with his mother, and then the gods were sending him to camp Jupiter.

Percy was going to Iris message Nico and Thalia to let them know since Thalia was away somewhere with the hunt, and Nico was off somewhere running an errand for his father, Will had been forced to let Nico go. We could all see that Will and Nico were growing closer, the only ones that were completely oblivious were Will and Nico themselves. Nico didn't have to stay in bed all the time anymore, but he still couldn't use his powers much. Leo was still missing, we had thought that he was dead, but Nico made it sound like he might not be and that gave us some hope.

After we finished talking Percy left to tell Chiron what had happened during the meeting and that he would be going away for a while. Once he'd done that he returned to his cabin grabbed his things and left heading back to Manhattan to get a break from here. I knew that leaving was probably the best thing for him, Annabeth's death had been particularly hard on him and he would need time to recover from that.

Obviously her death had been hard for me as well, after all, we've known each other since she was seven she was more like a sister than a friend to me but I also know that she wouldn't want us to stay upset over her and to keep moving on with our lives. I was pretty sure that Percy knew that as well but he just couldn't bring himself to do it since he loved her so much and didn't want to let her go.

Percy's point of view

Let's just say that I wasn't happy with the gods but the only ones that can change what they did is them and I knew that they wouldn't do it since it was clear that they wanted to keep me around and they did it to prevent me from making another attempt to end my life, but in the process, they had also taken away my only chance at seeing everyone I had lost again.

Due to that I knew it would be a while before I could forgive them if I ever do. Annabeth was my world and now I would most likely never get to see her again. After I got everything packed I headed back into Manhattan to visit my Mom and Paul. Sure, my mom has been nothing but good to me over the years, and Paul accepted me after mom and I told him the truth.

I also don't want to lose anyone else and by me being near them I would be putting them in danger. At the moment, I would be putting more than just mom and Paul at risk since it wouldn't be too long before I have a new half sibling. We don't know what it's going to be yet since Mom and Paul decided to wait and be surprised.

Sure, I would like to meet my new sibling when the time comes but it would be safer if it didn't know me and I've already lost too many people I don't think I could handle losing anyone else. When I got to my mom and Paul's apartment I went in and when my mom saw me she said, "Percy,"

She got up off the couch and walked toward me as quickly as she could manage considering her current situation. We hugged as best we could, and I had to admit that despite my problems seeing my mom again did manage to bring a small smile to my face. I also felt slightly guilty since when I had tried to kill myself I hadn't really considered how upset my mom and Paul would have been if I had succeeded.

Despite my slight guilt, I still didn't think what I had done was completely wrong. I still didn't really want to keep going on with my life but thanks to the gods I don't really have a choice since reforming in Tartarus wasn't really my idea of resting in peace. My mom knew that I was still upset over Annabeth's death and that I still blame myself for practically all the deaths in both wars, she knew that Annabeth and I had fallen into Tartarus but she didn't know the details of what we had gone through down there. She knew how important Annabeth was to me. except for Tartarus there wasn't much my mom didn't know about me.

After I'd found out about New Rome I'd hoped that Annabeth and I could have a future there, but the giants had taken that away from me when Porphyrion killed her. I tried to shove aside the memories of Annabeth's death if kept thinking about it I would probably start bawling like a baby especially now that I knew I would probably never see her again.

I spent most of that day talking to my mom and Paul, they both wanted to know how I was doing and how camp was. although I still felt guilty about it I didn't tell them that I had tried to kill myself. I didn't want my mom to know how upset I really am especially not now. Maybe I would tell her eventually but it wouldn't be for a while.

I just didn't want her to worry about me. I know that she does worry about me since I know she can tell that I'm still upset but I don't think she realizes just how upset I am. During that week and part of the next I spent time with my mom and Paul and did what I could to help them out. A couple of times when I ran errands for them I encountered monsters but they weren't anything I couldn't handle.

During the second week I was there, it became clear that my new half sibling was coming a couple weeks early. Paul and I went to the hospital with mom and after a while my new little half sister was born. Mom wanted to name her Alice after her mother. My mom doesn't really remember her parents since they died in a plane crash when she was five, all she knew about them she had learned from photos or what her uncle had told her. Nonetheless she still chose that name and Paul agreed.

Obviously, my mom and Little sister had to stay in the hospital for a few days before they could come home. After they got home I knew that I cared for Alice, but I also knew that she and my mom and Paul would be safer without me around. I knew that if I said that to their faces my mom and Paul would try to deny it but I knew there was no point as long as I stayed with them they would be in danger too and I didn't want that. I decided that once this two weeks was over I probably wouldn't visit too often, and I would just Iris message them to let them know how I'm doing. Even though I hadn't really wanted to go home in the first place those two weeks with my mom and Paul weren't too bad and they went by fairly quickly.

On the last day of the second week I was once again packing my things since I knew I would soon leave for camp Jupiter. I still wasn't sure how I felt about that, I know that I still have friends there but I still highly doubt that it will be easier to recover there than at camp half Blood or with my Mom

A/N I told you all that I was working on this, It just took me a while due to life and writers block.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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