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  • Dedicated to Ivy Gwyn Ocaña Pabilona

       You once told me true love exists—forever even.  For awhile, your words brought to me the little hope I once had, even the petty fantasy that you and I were worth something more than what the tabloids and gossip had.  And it was beatiful, dear, it was very beatiful.

         After some time, being in your world completed me, and to be left out of it made me crave you all the more.  You had me under your web, but I wanted to be there completely.  It didn't matter if you were predator and I was prey, not even the fact that you, my favorite theif, had my willing heart under your spell.  I just needed you.  To live, was breathing your poison in.

          But, nothing is ever meant to last, I heard the neighbors once casually say.  Dear, I listened to them intently, for they were far more wise than we ever were.  Eventually, you and I disconnected.

             Misunderstandings.  Dilemmas.  Hate.  Jealousy.  Anxiety.  Lies.  We did this to each other, dear.  We ruined us somehow.

            So one summer day, when the sun was at its highest and the flowers were in their full bloom—we met up.  I said, forever doesn't exist.  And you answered in that charming way of yours, yes, it does.  I will prove it.  I will prove it with her.

            Oddly, my mouth tasted bitter, but I dare not show it.  It was also then that I realized that yes, forever could exist.

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