Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sun shinning brightly into my bedroom. I have to blink my eyes a few times to let them adjust to the brightness.

As I look at the alarm clock, I see that it is almost seven a.m..

I turn over to see if Chloe is still in the bed, but she is not.

I yawn as I get up out of bed and pick out some blue jean jeggings, a black tank, a green flannel, and my black combat boots and walk into my bathroom to take a quick shower.

After I'm done I let my auburn hair, that is to the middle of my back, air dry for natural curls and put some light eye liner and mascara on.

When I finish in the bathroom, I go downstairs to the dining room.

I find both my parents and Chloe there already dressed and drinking coffee. They all look at me with worry in their eyes, as if I'm sick or something.

I grab an orange and set down next to Chloe and ask, "Is everything ok? None of you have took your eyes off of me since I walked in here."

Chloe just glances at my parents, like she's a little scared to say anything, then back to me.

My mom has tears brimming in her eyes, trying to hold them back.

My father glances at the sliding glass doors that lead to the backyard and then back to me. As I also glance at the backyard I see something glint and it makes me cringe.

I immediately remember my dream that I had of him last night and run out the door to the backyard. I almost collide into my aunt, but she stops me before I do. I look up at her with tears staining my cheeks and she hushs me as she embraces me in a hug and whispers comforting words into my ear.

I try to free myself so I can get to my tree house, but my aunt yet again stops me and has me set down on one of the patio chairs as she does the same.

"Hope, before you see him today, I need to know what happened last night in your dream." She questions me.

I look at her for a long hard minute trying to find the right words and say, "First it was of him watching me in his owl form. Then there were so many eyes watching me. Someone had grabbed onto me and tried to pull me back, but I kicked them in their shin to make them let me go and they did. I turned around to beat the hell out of whoever it was, but to my estonishment it was him in his human form. I didn't see anyone behind him, but someone drove a sword through his back to the front of his chest. I remember screaming NO and then someone telling me that it was only a dream in my mind. Then I was in a meadow with lilacs all around me and the sun shinning down on me as I laid there in comfort and peace."

She seems surprised that I had such a sadistic and crazy nightmare, but quickly shakes her head like she's trying to shrug something off as she says, "Hope I believe you have the ability to see into the future and see the past. Now don't take that as he is dead, because I asure you he is not. We got to him just in time to help him and heal him this morning."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding in as relief washes over me. I still wanted to make sure he was ok, but before I could ask about him I had images of the battle flashing through my mind.

He had two swords, one in each hand, cutting through his attackers. There were probably twenty men standing in front of him, but he went through each one with ease slicing their limbs or head off.

I couldn't tell what they were, but they looked sadistically twisted. I seen one of them had eyes on the side of his face and his nose pointed straight out in front, making him almost resimble a crow. Though he looked more evil than a crow as his eyes were completely black with red as the ovals, with a tight small thin mouth, and his skin was a sickening yellow color.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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