Oh Gerard, you make my heart burn

20 1 3

The Way brothers slept, but I could not. For one, I was thinking things through. But I was also genuinely uneasy which wouldn't have been ideal for attempting sleep because the uneasy feeling usually meant I was to have a nightmare. Oh well, means I could be on watch to protect them.

Gerard was becoming rather fidgety in his sleep, changing his position constantly. Perhaps he was cold? I mean I wouldn't know about the cold with all my layers. A longish coat, a camouflage jacket, flannel, a cardigan, a t-shirt, a long sleeved shirt, AND a tank top. I am prepared for all weather. To add to my layers, I also have a Gerard and a thin sheet. That's like nine layers.

I watched him as he fidgeted, running a hand through his hair. I heard a scraping from outside of the tent, this is not a good time for the undead. The scraping moved around towards the entrance, and my thoughts were correct. He had dark hair, still looked pretty human so must have only turned recently... Though there was something odd about this particular walker, he wasn't covered in blood, he didn't have some giant bite mark either, but if that was the case how had he turned? The figure moved closer and I was hopeless, if it was only me, that would be fine but it wasn't just me. There was Mikey and Gerard here too, I couldn't let them get hurt for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I reached under the small bed, trying to take hold of a small hand gun id placed there earlier. I couldn't pick it up and the snapping creature was getting closer every second, if he leaned forward we'd be dead, well...Gerard would be dead but I wasn't gonna allow that. Almost tipping the bed, I was able to grab the gun, firing repeatedly at the creature until it fell back and was finished. At the first sound, Mikey had awoken in a panic while Gerard jumped slightly but then just whimpered a little bit. "Frank what just...?" Mikey was staring at me, he looked at me in a way that suggested I'd done wrong but I know I hadn't. "Walker. It's not like I could get up." At that, Mikey sat up looking at the figure now officially dead, not supernatural dead where they keep coming back, and froze. "Fuck... We can't let Gerard know who that was.." I looked at him, confused. I'm sure Gerard had seen plenty of the undead by now, what's one biter gonna do that others won't have. "It's B.."

------skip to a few days later---------

Gerard has improved, since the incident all of us assured that he was never alone and that he was only surrounded by positivity.

"Frank, I'm being serious here, he really loves you man," for a moment I had forgotten I was out with Mikey looking for more supplies. "As said before, I'm not gay Mikey.." He glanced at me with a mix of annoyance and worry, I know Mikey was trying to make sure I was aware of what Gerard was like and how fragile he was but I already knew that, it was clear to me from the time spent being around him.

The last few days had consisted of me avoiding pretty much everyone, including Gerard. It wasn't that I didn't like the people around me, it was more of a case of I was afraid. Afraid that I was beginning go become attached to the people here, I don't do getting close. It only leads to shit going wrong. "IERO" I jumped as I heard a female voice from the side of us, Mikey looked confused holding a knife close to himself while I looked around trying to see who had just shouted. "Iero where've you been dude? I missed you" I felt hands on my shoulders, jumping slightly at the touch, I knew exactly who it was as Mikey spun round to see the young woman holding my shoulders. The young woman was Jamia Nestor, I had been around her and her brother when the whole virus broke out that had lead to this point. I left them after getting them into a dangerous situation unintentionally.

I looked at Jamia, biting my lip, running hundreds of excuses through my head as to why I'd left them. "I got lost and couldn't get back," that was believable right? "Evan said you'd be dead by now, but it's clear he was wrong," she kissed my cheek, my face heating up within an instant as I stood there blushing. Mikey sniggered quietly but I heard him, subtly kicking him in the shin as Jamia watched my face, grinning almost as if she was proud of making me blush. Mikey groaned causing a glance from Jamia but soon Evan had shown up, i could tell by Jamia's expression. "Ayyy it's Frank!" Evan was like a brother to me when id been around the two of them, he had always had my back. I'd guess it was similar to the way Gerard and Bert were towards each other. Shit. Gerard. That's what we'd been talking about, I haven't seen him in a few days and that's why Mikey was talking to me about him. Before I could think more, I was being hugged by Evan with no escape "Mikey..don't we need to get back to the group and Gee?" Jamia looked at me surprised as Mikey awkwardly responded "erm..er..yeah..? Yeah. Yeah we do!" Jamia raised an eyebrow, "you're in a group?" I nodded awkwardly, I'd always made clear I wouldn't join a group so this must have been a shock to her. "Frank we really need to go now..." Mikey seemed uncomfortable, "he's right, I'm glad you two are doing okay.." At that I was being dragged off before Jamia ran over to gently plant a kiss on my lips to which I just froze. Jamia fucking Nestor, a very beautiful individual, had just kissed me. Wow. I smiled to myself, continuing to walk off just grinning at the floor.

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