A Dangerous Truth

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"...You're asking me to reveal my secret to Ashido?"

Izuku bit down in his lower lip. Hard. Only he, and the staff at Yuuei, as well as a select bunch of individuals in the police and government had even the slightest clue about the secret of All Might, about One For All. To come up and ask for him to make an addition to those ranks was near inconceivable. He knew exactly what he was asking. He was asking All Might to trust Mina with the truth.

About One For All. About All For One. About All Might.

About Izuku, and his Quirk.

For a few moments though, he struggled to speak. There were a thousand thoughts going through his head right at this moment, and none of them were collected or organised in any manner. He knew that he wanted to let Mina know the truth about his powerful Quirk. He didn't want to hide anything from her. Not anymore.

To be perfectly honest, he wasn't sure that he'd be able to. Not after the kiss they'd shared. Not after she'd told him she'd loved him.

Because he loved her as well, and he didn't want to risk ruining everything over this.

He was able to hide the truth from his own mother, and he could handle that. He knew exactly what the dangers were there. He just couldn't tell her. She wasn't a Pro-Hero, or even in training to be one. On the off chance she slipped up and told a civilian... But he couldn't hide it from Mina. He just couldn't anymore.

Mind racing back to the kiss Mina had given him, and Izuku's face went red on the spot. She'd stolen his first kiss from him with a smile on her face, and she'd done it with such tender emotion and love, Izuku could practically feel it seeping through her lips. They had tasted so sweet, like sugar, in spite of the frankly disgusting meal they had shared just prior to the joining of their lips. They had been so soft, almost as if they were cotton against his skin.

She was beautiful. She really was, in that moment, she was all that the green haired boy had focused on, in both his eyesight, and his thought process. The way she had so softly spoken those meaningful words, and pulled him into a romantic act... The way she had smiled, and how her beautiful dark eyes had gleamed when they had separated. And her laugh after, that laugh just simple, pure happiness that left her outrageously pretty smile...

God, he'd never been more in love with her.

He didn't want to lie to her about his power anymore. He didn't think he could hide it. Eventually, it would slip out, or she'd piece it together. Mina wasn't exactly book smart like he was, but she wasn't an idiot. She would figure it out given enough time.

But he was asking All Might to let him confess the origins of his power... And there wasn't any way she'd believe him unless she heard it from the powers original bearer. Saw proof of it. And even that aside... He just needed to ask All Might.

This was the man he had admired throughout his entire life. The man who he looked up to as the symbol of what a Hero was, and always should be. The man who had given him his own Quirk. The man who made that dream, a dream practically impossible for someone born without a Quirk, into a real, serious possibility! But the only way to reveal the truth about One For All, about how it was inherited from one person to the next was going to be believed with serious credibility... Faith and goodwill only took people so far. He needed All Might to confirm it with Mina, to say that he wasn't lying, to say he wasn't just making this up. If he was against it, firmly enough to flat out deny the request, to refuse to give away anything relating to his Quirk, Izuku would have no choice but to respect that. He didn't have the right to push things with his mentor, his Hero. After everything he'd done for him, how could he even think to push for more?

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