My Power

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One of the most common questions that Izuku asked himself throughout his entire life was a simple one word inquiry. It was so simple a question that it almost sounded like a child was wanting attention from their parents by asking irritating questions, but they were valid, at least to the green haired boy. A simple question that could be asked about so many of the things that happened throughout his life, that he wished could be answered simply, if only because it would save him both a lot of heartache and pain, but would stop making him ponder it every time it entered his head, and sent him down the spiral of worries and doubts that he'd never escape from.

That question was...


It applied to such a wide variety of things that Izuku was used to asking that question far more than any other. The contract always mattered, and he found himself always wanting to know more. His inquisitive nature naturally led to him to think these things and ponder them, but the main ones were obvious. The ones he wanted to know so badly. The ones he pondered all the time.

Why had he been so unlucky as to be born Quirkless?

Why had he been chosen to succeed All Might?

Why did he always seem to be involved in dangerous situations whenever they showed up?

Why couldn't he figure out a faster way to master One For All?

These were questions that he asked himself basically every day. Some of which, he already knew the answers to, but just struggled to accept them, because they felt so completely alien to him.

The fact that he was Quirkless he had answered long ago. He could explain that one with the power of science - People just weren't born equal. Being Quirkless was a recessive trait, meaning that, even if one of his parents was Quirkless, he would have been much more likely to get a Quirk than not. But he hadn't. This meant both his parents carried to recessive Quirkless Trait that left him powerless. Sort of like the traits that gave people red hair. He was just unlucky enough to be born with the trait that meant naturally, he would never have a Quirk of his own. The answer here – He was just unlucky. Simple as that.

The fact that All Might had chosen him, of the eight billion people on the planet, to be inherit the power that was One For All. That was something that, even with the explanation from All Might himself, Izuku still struggled to understand sometimes. Of the many incredible people out there, with absolutely amazing Quirks that could shake the very foundations of the world. And he was the one who had been chosen. That was an idea he still struggled to get his head wrapped around sometimes. And while that fact made Izuku was to cry tears of joy every time he thought about it... Part of him still felt unworthy to wield this power.

The fact he couldn't find a way to master One For All... Full Cowl was helping him get there. And he was getting there. If he kept this up, he'd be able to wield the Quirk fully within a few years... But it was a slow process, and while he knew that patience and practice would eventually make perfect... He didn't want to wait. He wanted to be able to become a Hero as fast as possible, to be able to help save people with a smile while announcing that everything would be okay, even in the face of danger and fear.

That had been his dream, for so, so, so long, and now, the ability to do that was in his veins... But he couldn't control it. He wasn't sure if that was fair of him or not, if he had any real right to complain over the speed of his development of the Quirk when he should just be damn thankful for his Quirkless body to even have a Quirk... But now that he had it, that it was within his palms...

It frustrated him... Of course he still had years ahead of him at Yuuei that he needed to complete before he could even think about becoming a Professional, yet his desire to excel, and his lack of ability to do so... It frustrated him. While everyone else could really push themselves to the limit, stretch their Quirks like there was no tomorrow, he still had to figure out how to get his Quirk off its stabilisers. But it also reminded him that it wasn't his power. It was a borrowed power, that one day, he would have to give up. It wouldn't be for a long, long time. Maybe when he was on his death bed, handing it off to his own successor. Or maybe it would be next week, when All Might just... Decided that he had found someone better to inherit the Quirk...

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