Intern Consideration

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Hero internships.

Hero.... Internships...

Internships.... With Pro Heroes.


Maybe it was because of just how hectic the last few days had been, or maybe it was because of the memories of what had happened the last time he'd gone on an internship with Gran Torino. Maybe it was because of the kidnapping, or his relationship with Mina.

So much was different from just a few months ago, that Izuku sometimes struggled to recognize his own life. If someone had told him what his life was like now – That he'd be dating Mina, the pretty hyperactive girl from his class, that everyone would know about One For All and his Quirkless origins, and that Bakugou would apologize to him, all in just a few months – he'd think they were absolutely insane. If he was given all the detailed specifics about the last few months, he'd think whoever was telling him about it had lost their mind.

He struggled to recognize himself sometimes. There were still factors about him that remained the same as always. He still occasionally got flustered when he was talking to Mina or he was being lauded with praise, though he had improved on that front. But that was a lot rarer these days. After everything he'd been through, suddenly talking to girls didn't seem like such a big issue. After a lifetime of being pushed and shoved around, he had lacked much sense of self respect, even after getting into Yuuei. He had Mina to thank for that change. After everything....

...After everything, he had nearly destroyed himself from the inside out.

Once more, and that could be the end of his chances at becoming a Hero. Maybe it was that thought that was making him pause.

....No, it wasn't that. While he knew it was dumb, he also knew that, when push came to shove, he'd do whatever it took to save someone – Anyone. And he couldn't save anyone if he let the fear of what could happen to him control him. And he was well beyond the point of letting fear control him now. There wasn't anything quite as scary as being helpless at the hands of Villains.

If anything, that motivated him even more. That feeling of helplessness and terror at the hands of someone who had no ethical boundaries restricting them to getting what they wanted... He knew what that was like now. Granted, he'd always had a feeling of something similar thanks to Bakugou's torment, but this was different. He wasn't letting fear make him pause this time. He'd never been more motivated to become the best successor to All Might as he could.

So, what was it?

What was making him pause?

Izuku didn't know, but he found himself seriously thinking about internship placements.

Initially, it had only been incredibly briefly mentioned during the principle's speech at the beginning of the new term, and it was primarily in reference to the second and third years. Aizawa had explained it in homeroom afterwards – A formal work placement with Pro Heroes, that took place outside of school hours. Somewhat like the Sports Festival internships, only this version didn't permit the days off and freedom from study that the sports festival did. So, they were essentially like formal part time jobs that you took alongside your schoolwork.

First hand Hero work. Real Hero work.

While he was possibly the only exception, Izuku knew from just about everyone else that the Sports Festival connections had been a lot more like showing up as guests than being potential future co-workers. Then again, back then, society hadn't been shaken by the loss of All Might, and as Aizawa had explained, those were aimed more at making connections than formal Hero work – Even if it had been something that had wound up getting Izuku, Iida, and Todoroki all caught up in a fight with the Hero Killer.

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