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Mina was running. And she was blind.

She wasn't sure how she knew that she was running. She was entirely numb, unable to feel anything, nor could she see anything around her. The entirety of the space that she was in was nothing but blackness and emptiness. Nothing was there, and all she was, well, was her. And she wasn't even sure what she was. She couldn't see or feel her arms, yet she knew that she was moving.

The nothing that was around her felt like water. Black, murky water that her own equally black eyes couldn't see through. Yet she could breathe, and at the same time couldn't.

She didn't feel anything. No anxiety. No fear. No joy, and no worry. She just simply was there, running throughout absolute nothingness.

For how long, she didn't know. It might have been five minutes, or seven hours. Fatigue wasn't a factor, and nor was time.

Yet as she moved, she just saw nothingness. So she kept moving, feeling like there was something that she was supposed to find at the end of this nothingness.

Nothingness. Just nothingness. There wasn't any other word to describe it. Emptiness implied that there was something on the outside of all of this, and she couldn't be sure that there was. She couldn't even be certain that anything, or herself, existed. None of it all made sense, but she seemed to know where she was all at once.

After however long of aimless running, the first thing that she saw made her lips curl. The first thing that actually made her feel something. Some emotion. Some Control suddenly returned to her. She felt her legs stop, and her arms swung and flopped by her side as her eyes began to focus on the only thing that wasn't this empty void.

She saw Izuku, standing just a few meters away from her.

His face was battered and beaten, his arms shattered beyond all measure. His eye was swollen and barely even able to open, and he had cuts and scratches all over him. Blood ran from his forehead over his face, spilling over his eye and dripping from his chin. He probably had some broken bones around his ribs It was amazing that he was even still alive, never mind standing upright.

But it was him.

Without words, she ran towards him, her arms reaching out to him, wanting to grab onto him as tightly as she could and not let go of him, ever. Suddenly, she felt tired, and her brain told her that Izuku would make that all go away, that the moment that she got close to him, all of that would fade away into the nothingness that surrounded her. And she listened, without hesitation.

One foot in front of the other. Again and again and again.

She got closer.

And his face suddenly began to melt.

Mina wanted to stop running towards him in that moment, sheer horror finally taking place in her heart, but her legs refused to stop. She lost control of them all of a sudden, and once again she was moving without knowing how and against her will. Izuku's eyes began to turn to goop and abandon his eye sockets. His skin and what had previously been his eyes dripping off of his face as his body decayed away into nothingness. What was happening to him? Why was it happening to him? Why wouldn't it stop? How could she stop it? What was happening?

The melted flesh began to fall off of a sudden silhouette that stood within its centre. When Mina got close, it turned its head to face her.

A psychotic smile from Toga Himiko.

Mina ran face first through the Transformation Quirk users face, and came out the other side, covered in the goop that had been Izuku. Her whole body was covered, and her heart was now pounding like crazy.

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