a day of happiness

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The next day

Satoshi awakes in his bed and sits up in his bed thinking what to do as it was a Saturday and they had no school. he thought he could see how naomi was doing as he had nothing better to do during the day then his little sister yuka came running into his room jumping on his bed.

Yuka: Big brother big brother!

Satoshi: Okay yuka calm down... i am already awake.

Yuka: I just thought you would want to know... breakfast is ready.

He smiles and looks at her and he smiles.

Satoshi: Okay Yuka... thank you now go back downstairs.

Yuka jumps off the bed and runs downstairs while Satoshi gets up and gets dressed into a plain white buttoned up shirt and black trousers and he walks downstairs and sits at the table and Yuka quickly sat next to him and his mother and father on the other side of the table and they all started eating their they ate Satoshi thought it was a good time to say he is going to Naomi's.

Satoshi: Um... mum dad i am going to go to a friends house.

Mum: Oh who is the friend.

Satoshi looks up at his mother and father.

Dad: Is it a girl Satoshi?

Satoshi: dad...

Mum: Its that Nakashima girl isn't it.

Yuka then froze and she felt her blood run cold and her fists clinched.

Satoshi: Yes its Naomi.

his mum clapped and smiled.

Mum: Okay then Satoshi.

He smiles.

Satoshi: thanks mum thanks dad.

Yuka sat there silent and not moving at all and the mum looked at her.

Mum: Yuka sweetie are you okay?

Yuka made no attempt to reply to her mother and just sat there. Satoshi looked at Yuka and he grew a little worried.

Satoshi: Yuka are you okay?

Yuka looked at him and gave a little smile.

Yuka: Yea... I am fine.

When they all finished their breakfast they left the table and Satoshi walked to the front door.

Satoshi: Well goodbye! I will see you all later.

Mum & Dad: Bye Satoshi!

Yuka walked upstairs to her room and sat on her bed and didn't move from there for a long time. Satoshi walked out his house and made his way to Naomi's. When Satoshi got to Naomi's he knocked on her door and her mother answered.

Natsumi: H-Hello...

Satoshi: Hey Mrs. Nakashima i came to see Naomi is she in?

Natsumi looked him up and down and smiled.

Natsumi: You must be the Mochida boy she keeps talking about.

he nodded and smiled at the fact Naomi had been talking about him.

Satoshi: Yea thats me um i am Mochida Satoshi.

Natsumi stepped to the side and let him in and Satoshi walked in and looked around.

Satoshi: So um... where is Naomi?

Natsumi: Upstairs in her room.

Satoshi walks upstairs knocks on Naomi's bedroom door.

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