the end is close

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Friday morning comes... since Tuesday nothing has really happened to the group they just went on living their lives... Satoshi and Naomi spent all the time they had together and they loved it but Satoshi's mind was focusing on the challenge. Hinoe has been making an enchantment on an amulet for a bit of extra strength. Yoshiki and Ayumi have started having sex but they still do other things together and Ayumi brought a drug that will knock Yoshiki out long enough so he wont interfere with the ritual and he wont fight.

Monday morning, Yoshiki's apartment

Ayumi was out cold in bed after having a rough night with Yoshiki who was just waking up. Yoshiki sat up in his bed and looked over at Ayumi and he smiled then he got up out of bed and he put his boxers on then walked out his room and into his kitchen and he some pancakes and coffee for Ayumi then when he finished he took it into his room and put it on the bedside table on Ayumi's side then he looked at her and shook her a little trying to wake her and eventually she awoke.

Yoshiki: Morning beautiful.

Ayumi: Morning handsome.

They kissed then Ayumi smelled the food and she looked over at the bedside table and she smiled.

Ayumi: They look nice.

Yoshiki: I made them for you... i thought you deserved a treat after last night.

Ayumi: Last night was a treat this is just an extra treat.

She sat up in the bed and took the plate and put it on her lap and she started eating and it wasn't that bad.

Ayumi: These aren't to bad Yoshiki.

Yoshiki: I try my best for the love of my life.

She smiled at him and kept eating and she drank her coffee as he got dressed into his school uniform and set hers on the bed ready for her then he left the room to make himself a coffee. After Ayumi finished eating and drinking and she got up and put some underwear on then her uniform on then she walked out of Yoshiki's room and she went to him and pecked his lips quickly then she put her shoes on ready to leave, Yoshiki finished his coffee he made then he put his shoes on and they both left for school.

After school Ayumi and Yoshiki met up with Satoshi and Naomi at the school gates.

Ayumi: Everything is set up and ready... meet at my house at 7am on tomorrow.

Satoshi: Got it.

Naomi: Okay.

Satoshi: Well me and Naomi will be off then... see you guys tomorrow.

Satoshi and Naomi walked off hand in hand towards Naomi's house while Ayumi and Yoshiki went to Yoshiki's apartment.

Nakashima household.

Satoshi and Naomi are home alone and they went up to Naomi's room, Satoshi knew full well that tonight could be his last night on this earth and he wants something to remember but he wasn't going to force Naomi into anything.

Satoshi: N-Naomi I... I wanted to ask something.

She looked at him.

Satoshi: Have you thought about having sex?

Naomi's eyes widened slightly.

Naomi: Well... yea of course I have I have just been to shy to ask you about it.

Satoshi walked over to Naomi who was sitting on her bed and he kneeled down a bit.

Satoshi: Do you want to do it?

Naomi: Yes I do but I don't want to force you into anything.

Satoshi: You wont be forcing me Naomi... I want it to.

Naomi: O-Okay...

Satoshi kissed Naomi and she slowly lay back on the bed and he moved on top of her, holding himself above her as they kept kissing each other. Satoshi worked on stripping Naomi of her shirt as Naomi worked on taking his shirt off him as well. (author: I am not gonna type more past this point basically they just have sex)

Yoshiki's apartment.

Yoshiki and Ayumi drink beer together as they sat watching a movie. Ayumi was thinking about how to get Yoshiki to take the drug without him finding out.

Yoshiki: I am gonna get another beer.

Then she suddenly got the idea of putting the drug in his drink.

Ayumi: Oh no let me get it for you.

Yoshiki smiled at her then sit back as Ayumi got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed two beers and she opened them and put the drug in one then she walked back to Yoshiki and passed him his beer as she sat with him again and drank from her beer and he drank from his, Yoshiki started feeling a bit dizzy.

Yoshiki: W-Whats happening...

Ayumi looked at him and she stood up and she lays him gently down on the sofa as she looks at him.

Ayumi: I'm so sorry there was no other way... I'm so sorry.

Yoshiki: A-Ayumi...

Yoshiki's eyes slowly closed and he passed out and Ayumi sighed and pecked his lips.

Ayumi: I'm sorry and I love you so much Yoshiki.

With that Ayumi stood and got all the blue and grey candles then she left Yoshiki's apartment and walked to her house where her sister was setting everything up making plenty of space in the living room to use.

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