hospital trip

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Saturday morning, not long after Satoshi arrived at hospital.

Satoshi lays in a hospital bed with a bandage over his eye and around his stomach, Naomi sits on a chair next to his hospital bed and holds his hand gently in her own.

Naomi: You better not die Satoshi... you better bloody not.

Satoshi: I promised I would never leave you and I intend to keep that promise.

Naomi: Good.

After a minute the rest of their friends walked in.

Yoshiki: Hey pal.

Satoshi: Hey...

Satoshi coughed then looked at them all but his vision was a bit blurry as he can now only see through one eye.

Ayumi: Oh god... are you okay?

Satoshi: I've been better that's for sure.

Satoshi let out a slight chuckle then a groan.

Morishige: Relax dude... you just fought a tough bastard and won alive.

Satoshi: Yea I guess so.

Seiko stands next to Naomi and looks at Satoshi.

Seiko: Mochida thank you for bring us back... we all really appreciate it.

Satoshi: Of course... your our friends we couldn't just leave you.

Naomi: Satoshi you did a good thing but your still a fucking idiot...what if I lost you?

Satoshi: You would've got your best friend back.

Naomi: Yea but I would've lost my boyfriend.

Yoshiki: You should've just let me fight pal.

Satoshi: No way... that's the guy that nearly killed you there is no way you would've lived.

Ayumi: Yoshiki I told Mochida to fight instead of you its my fault.

Satoshi: No Shinozaki don't cover for me... I said I would fight, Shinozaki did nothing to force me.

Yoshiki sighed and looked at Satoshi.

Yoshiki: Thanks Mochida... I wasn't ready to die... thank you.

Satoshi smiled.

Satoshi: Course.

After a while Satoshi was released and returned home, Naomi stayed with Satoshi as his parents was fine with her being with their son. Yoshiki and Ayumi went back to Ayumi's house to help Hinoe tidy up then they left to Yoshiki's apartment, Mayu went to Morishige's place because Mayu's parents had transferred away quite a while ago now so she needed a place to stay. ms. yui went to her home where her cat was and it was still alive which struck her as odd as she was gone for a long while then she remembered Ayumi saying that she fed the cat.

Mochida household.

Satoshi and Naomi was in Satoshi's bed together, laying with eachover. Naomi had her head on Satoshi's chest and Satoshi has his arms around Naomi, holding her close.

Naomi: I'm glad your out of the hospital.

Satoshi: So am I.

Naomi: I love you Satoshi.

Satoshi: I love you to Naomi so much.

Satoshi kissed Naomi's forehead and she smiled then she looked up at him and she kissed his lips and he kissed back then they started making out with each over then the door opens and they broke away fast and Satoshi saw his little sister Yuka standing at the door.

Satoshi: Yuka can you knock first.

Yuka: Sorry big brother... mum told me to tell you both dinners ready.

Satoshi: Okay thank you.

Yuka then closes the door and she is angry bout seeing Satoshi and Naomi even touching let alone making out then she storms downstairs. Satoshi sighs and looks at naomi and she gets up off the bed and pecks his lips.

Naomi: To be continued.

Satoshi: I cant wait.

With that they both went downstairs and sat at the table together with Satoshi's family.

Yoshiki's apartment.

Yoshiki and Ayumi got back to the apartment and they sat on the sofa together after Yoshiki got two beers and gave her one.

Yoshiki: Ayumi...

she cut him off.

Ayumi: Dont... i know i shouldn't have asked Mochida to fight in your place i'm sorry i just couldn't loose you Yoshiki.

Yoshiki: Ayumi i wasn't gonna say anything about that.

Ayumi: You wasn't?

Yoshiki shook his head as he looked at her and he put his beer down.

Yoshiki: I wanted to say thank you Ayumi... for trying to save my life even if it meant the life of my best friend... i wasn't ready to die yet so thanks.

She smiled a bit then she put her beer down and looked at him.

Ayumi: How about instead of drinking beer on your sofa... we go to your bedroom and have fun.

She bit her lip slightly sexually and he smiled and stood up, taking her hands and lifting her up to her feet.

Yoshiki: I like it.

They kissed eachover then Ayumi led him to his bedroom as they kept kissing and he closed the door as he walked in and they "played around" in the bed for a good while.

Morishige's house

Morishige and Mayu walk up to Morishige's bedroom and they both sat down or Morishige's bed.

Morishige: Never though i would be laying in this bed again...

Mayu: Your bed is really comfy.

Morishige: Thanks...

Mayu: Shig... i want to date you will you please go out with me?

Morishige turns his head and he looks at her and he smiles then he nods.

Morishige: Yes i will go out with you Mayu.

She smiles wide then jumps on him and starts making out with him and they keep making out for a while until they broke away and smiled at each over then resumed their make out.

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