an unexpected surprise

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Monday at 7:16 in the morning.

4 weeks have passed since all their friends have returned from heavenly host. Satoshi recovered well from his wounds but he has an eye patch over his one destroyed eye but his vision is clear through his other eye. Naomi and Seiko spent alot of time together but Naomi often dragged Satoshi along and Seiko didnt mind as long as she saw that smile on her best friends face. Ayumi and Yoshiki kept their relationship going and they was happy together. Mayu and Morishige was still together and they spent all of their days together and Mayu contacted her parents to let them know she is safe and staying with a friend and she will stay there from now on.

Nakashima household.

Satoshi was in bed sleeping still but Naomi was up and she just walked out the bathroom with wide eyes as she just got a little shock from something and she looked at her sleeping boyfriend wondering if she could say anything to him.

Naomi: "How am i going to tell him...".

Satoshi groaned and his eye opened and he stood up and turned to look at Naomi.

Satoshi: Hey Naomi... are you okay?

She nodded slowly at him then she took off her pyjamas and she got dressed into her uniform and Satoshi did the same but he was slightly worried about her but he said nothing. as they both got dressed they went downstairs and they left the house and started their journey to school. Along the way Seiko ran up and hugged Naomi. Naomi gasped in supprise and she smiled.

Seiko: Hey there Naomi.

Naomi: Hey Seiko.

Satoshi: Hey Shinohara.

Seiko: Sup Mochida, how ya both doing this morning?

Naomi: We are fine... um Seiko can i speak to you for a second?

Seiko: Of course Naomi.

Satoshi: I guess you wanna talk alone so i will go on ahead okay?

Naomi: Okay see you at school Satoshi.

They kissed quickly then Satoshi started walking again as Naomi told Seiko what Naomi found out this morning and Seiko spat out the water she was drinking and nearly choked on it then when she regained herself she turned to her friend.

Seiko: Pregnant!?

Naomi: Keep it down will you...

Seiko: Naomi your pregnant... is it Mochida's?

Naomi: Of course its Satoshi's i dont sleep with anyone else Seiko!

Yoshiki and Ayumi walked up to them.

Yoshiki: Hey guys... whats all the shouting about?

Seiko: Naomi's pregnant!

Naomi: SEIKO!

Yoshiki and Ayumi: What!?

Naomi let out a deep sigh.

Naomi: Yes alright im pregnant with Satoshi's child.

Female voice: Your pregnant?!

A voice came from behind her and she turned around to see Mayu and Morishige standing there. Naomi face palmed hard.

Morishige: Does Mochida know?

Naomi: No... what exactly am i meant to say? "Satoshi im pregnant with your baby"?

all except Naomi: Yes.

Naomi sighed.

Naomi: alright... im gonna tell him after school today... but im scared... what if he doesn't want a baby?

Yoshiki: Nakashima all he wants is to have a family with you.

Ayumi: That's all he ever wanted in this world.

Morishige: Yea its pretty obvious to everyone.

Mayu: Yep.

Seiko: Hell yea.

Naomi smiled a bit as she looked at them all.

Naomi: Thanks guys... well lets get to school then.

And so they all walked to school and as the day finished and they was all about to leave, Naomi grabbed Satoshi's arm and pulled him back into the classroom. Satoshi looks at her kinda worried and confused but he lets her drag him then when she finally lets go she looks at him and she shakes slightly.

Naomi: U-um... Satoshi...

Satoshi: Yea? Is everything okay Naomi? Are you okay?

Naomi: Y-yea i'm fine Satoshi i just... i...

She struggles saying it and Satoshi gets more worried and he just looks at her.

Naomi: I'm pregnant Satoshi

He gasps slightly and he looks at her and she looks away slightly.

Naomi: I found out this morning, i didnt tell you because i was so scared... i wasn't sure if you wanted a baby and i was so scared if i told you then you would be angry or-...

She was stopped by Satoshi's lips pressed against hers in a loving kiss and she kissed him back as she closed her eyes and they kept the kiss going for a while till they broke away and opened their eyes slowly, looking into each over's eyes.

Satoshi: Naomi... all i ever wanted is to have a family with you... to spend the rest of my life with you and a family.

She smiles.

Naomi: I'm glad to hear it.

They smile and kiss again and the light of the setting sun shines on them through the windows as they stand there and kiss.

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