|Drink Number|

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(A/N- Sorry about that gif quality guys holy crap)

(A/N- Sorry about that gif quality guys holy crap)

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*Inspired by How to Be Single

"So, you just left?" Isaac questioned as he handed Y/N another beer, flopping down onto the sofa beside her as he opened his own bottle.

"Pretty much. I mean, I wasn't going to just sit there and be screamed at for something I didn't do, you know what I mean?" Y/N said, taking a swing from the bottle in her right hand.

"Absolutely. That's really shitty." Isaac agreed. "Does this mean you guys are offically broken up?"


"Thank God, I hated him." Isaac rolled his blue eyes, making her laugh.

"Well, you'll be happy to know I have no intent on staying with that ass." Y/N rolled her eyes, raking a hand through her hair.

"If you want, I can kill him for you." Isaac shrugged, to which Y/N snorted out a laugh.

"I think I'll pass thanks. I kind of like having a best friend who isn't in prison." She joked, nudging his thigh gently with her big toe before her eyes flitted down to the beer bottle in his hand. "Wait, how many beers have you had?"

Isaac's brow furrowed, his eyes drifting to the bottle resting in his hold. "About eight. Why?"

"I've had five..." Y/N sighed, rubbing a palm over her face. "Dammit."

"Why is that a bad thing?" Isaac questioned, arching his eyebrows.

"We hit our drink number and that means we have to have sex." Y/N shrugged. Obviously.

Isaac nearly choked on his drink. "Excuse me?"

"In every male and female friendship there's a drink number. And once you reach it, that means you have hit the drunk territory. And once you hit the drunk territory, you have to have sex. It's inevitable. Your number is eight, and mine is five, making thirteen our drink number. We've hit that, so now we have to sleep together." Y/N explained.

Isaac blinked. "Who in the hell made up that rule?"


"Of course she did." Isaac sighed. "I'm not that drunk. Just buzzed."

"Dude, are you joking? That's like the drunk person motto. They should put it on the napkins at the club." Y/N joked.

Isaac grinned. "Yeah. I'm the drunk one."

Y/N rolled her eyes, placing her beer on the coffee table and shrugging. "So?"

Isaac looked at her once, his blue eyes meeting hers. "Yeah, okay." He said, quickly putting his beer down and tackling her into the sofa, kissing her neck sloppily.

Y/N snorted, gripping at his golden curls. "Right, because a totally sober person would just agree to this."

"Shut up." Isaac growled as he kissed her lips.


"Well that escalated quickly." Isaac murmured later when they were lying in his bed. His torso was bare as Y/N's head rested on it, his fingers combing through her hair gently.

"Yeah, I'll say." Y/N hummed, drawing small shapes agianst his skin. "We really are the defintion of friends with benefits aren't we?"

"I guess you could say that." Isaac chuckled, pressing his nose into her hair gently. "Y/N?"


"Your boyfriend is an asshole."

Y/N chuckled. "I know."

"Then why are you with him?" Isaac questioned, his brow furrowing. "You deserve so much better."

"Technically I'm not with him anymore." Y/N hummed, shifting so her head was resting on his arm and she was looking up into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Yeah?" Isaac hummed, bringing his hand up to caress her cheek gently.

"Yeah." Y/N whispered, closing her eyes at his gentle touch. "Isaac?"


"Do you really think I deserve better?"

Isaac smiled softly, stroking his thumb over her cheek bone and pressing his lips tenderly against his best friend's forehead. "I think you deserve the world."

A/N- I just recently watched How to Be Single and I loved it, so here you go xD Hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget requests for all books are open!! <3 ~Hayden

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