Feminine Male Reader x Aomine Daiki

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Welcome to the very first chapter of my "Kuroko No Basket x Male Reader" book of one shots!

The following information goes for each and every chapter in this book:

(M/N) - Male Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(H/C) - Hair Color

(H/L) - Hair Length

(E/C) - Eye Color

(S/C) - Skin Color

(F/C) - Favorite Color

Requested By: star-sama


(M/N) (L/N)'s p.o.v

A quiet sigh escapes my mouth as I make my way to the roof. "Why did Momoi send me to get him?" I ask myself out loud, a small frown on my face. Momoi sent me to get Aomine and tell him to go to practice because she has important things to do at the moment. But every step is making me nervous because he always ignores her when she tells him, but I have no idea what he'll do when I do.

I let out a silent breath and quietly open the door, instantly seeing a head of navy blue hair resting in tan hands. I let out another breath and clear my throat, causing myself to gain Aomine's attention. "What do you want Momoi? I was just about to fall asleep" he asks in an annoyed tone, not looking at me.

"W-well, my name isn't Momoi and she sent me up here t-to get you for practice" I reply shyly, twiddling my thumbs. I hear him click his tongue as he slowly walks up to me, his height making me even more nervous. "Ehh at least she sent a cute girl to get me" Aomine says with a smirk on his face and I frown, a sigh leaving me. "I'm a boy" I say seriously and he shrugs his shoulders.

"So, who are you anyways?" He asked in confusion, which made my eyes widen. "I'm the basketball clubs manager-" "and when did you start doing that?" He asks, cutting me off. "I only started a few weeks-" "I never see you when I go to practice." I take a silent breath and look up at him, trying my best not to let a tick mark form on my temple.

"Well, that would be because Momoi-" "speaking of her, where is she anyways?" I let go of trying to stop the tick mark. I glared up at the taller male and crossed my arms. "Maybe if you went to practice you would actually know what she's doing!" I yelled, my anger getting the best of me.

He narrowed his eyes at me and clicked his tongue. "Like I actually care about practice, the only one who can beat me is-" "pretty sure that's the biggest lie I've ever heard come out of your mouth multiple times" I say, cutting him off this time. He chuckles at me, basically brushing off what I just said.

"I'm pretty sure that catch phrase is just there to cover up your big fat ego and how horrible you're at basketball" I say seriously and his facial expression turns some what deadly, leaning down to my own height. "Why don't you say that again, I want to make sure you said that clearly" he whispers lowly. "You heard my the first time, I'm not repeating what I said-"

"You probably don't even know the first thing about basketball, talking about me being bad at it" he said, starting to get cocky again. "Fine, but don't go crying with your tail between your legs when I'm done with you" I say, which causes him to raise an eyebrow. "Wha-Ow! Let go!" He yells as I harshly grab his ear and pull him twords the gym.


Aomine continued to complain until I let his ear go once we had gotten into the gym, cradling it after I let go, like I cut it off or something. "Well, that's a way to get him here" Momoi says, while the rest of the team chuckles, but, I don't have a smile on my face. I make my way into the locker rooms and quickly change into my gym clothes, walking back out with a serious expression.

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