Idol Male Reader x Kise Ryota

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Requested By: star-sama


Third person p.o.v

Kise Ryota

The one person every girl, and sometimes guy, would be found of. The most popular person in Kaijo High School. Not to mention being a model and once playing basketball for Teiko and being apart of the generation of miracles. His adoring brown honey eyes, yellow sunshine hair and clear light skin is just icing on the cake.

Some would probably get annoyed with all the attention fan girls, and guys, give. But to most, Kise actually seems content with it, somehow. He seems fine signing autographs, answering questions all of the time and getting stared at throughout his day. Let's not forget the lover letters, shy confessions and fighting most people do for and over him.

Some would wonder how he puts up with everything, but others really don't care about that. They want his attention, and would do anything to get it. The way he could make anyone's heart flutter with just a smile, or could make anyone blush just by saying one word. I guess you could say some are actually pretty jealous of the over hyper male. Not like Kise actually cares about that though. Usually the thoughts that run through his mind are of the person he looks up to the most.

The one and only (M/N) (L/N).

Oh, you didn't know? Kise actually has someone he likes? Yes, that is correct. But, it's more like he loves the (H/C) haired male. The reason for this? It's simple really. Not only are they in the same business and school, (M/N) treats him like a regular person. He doesn't put Kise on a high pedestal and act like he's a god of some sort.

No, it was actually the complete opposite. At first, the male wouldn't even look Kise in the eye. Not because he didn't like the male, he just didn't see him like everyone else did. He wouldn't speak, look, or address Kise at all. It was like he never existed in the first place. That was, until Kise said something cocky on set.

"What's so special about you? You're just like everyone else and people treat you like you're a king or a god. Just because you have talents doesn't mean shit in my book. You act like you're all high and mighty, but you're really not. How do people even find you attractive when your attitude is digesting? Now shut up and pose, I didn't come to work to scold you."

Strangely, after that day, Kise began looking up to the older but shorter male. He didn't sugarcoat anything when he told him something, rather it be in school or at work. One of the many things Kise began to love him for. Yeah sure, everyone liked Kise for his looks, being a model or his basketball skills. But, (M/N) ignored those completely and acted like those traits didn't matter.

Kise began to know he was falling for (M/N) when they were at a shoot together. They both had to pose in certain ways like they were a couple. But one certain pose had made Kise a blushing mess and really had him thinking, and still does. Just the thought of it, or looking at the photos makes cause his heart beat to speed up and his breathing to become uneven.

It was just him and (M/N), Kise on one knee with a box in his hand while (M/N) had a surprised facial expression with small tears in his eyes. There was a sunset in the back ground, along with a beach theme, which made it look like they were on a date. Some other photos consisted of Kise putting the ring on (M/N)'s finger or them hugging with big smiles and tears running down (M/N)'s face.

All it took was the poses for Kise to really know that he was falling for the male he really respected and looked up too. It only took a few shoots with (M/N) posing with other guys, or girls, for him to fully understand that he had fallen for (M/N), and that he had fallen hard.

And that's what leads us to where we are now. The exit/entrance to Kaijo High School where the two males are heading twords because the last bell of the school day rang already. The sunshine haired boy trying his best to find a way to tell his idol that he's in love with him, and has been for a while now.

(M/N)'s p.o.v

"So how was your day?" I asked, looking up at Kise to see him zoned out in his own little world. I would be worried, but he's been doing this for a while now and I've kinda gotten use to it. Sadly. Last time I asked him about it he started blushing and told me he was fine, so I decided to leave it be if he won't tell me the truth.

I let out a sigh as we continued to walk. I'd never admit it, but I have been worried about him. He's been like a best friend to me, which is what I thought we were, but he never tells me anything anymore, and with him zoning out like he is now, really gets to me. I'm not really good with expressing my feelings but I feel like I should ask him about it, to really know if something's actually going on or not.

I sighed as I grabbed his arm and yanked him out of the way before he walked into a poll, causing him to wake up out of his thoughts. "What was that for (M/N)chii?" Kise whined, which made me smile a little. "Would you like it if I let you walk into the poll?" I asked with a small smirk on my face, which made him blush and rub the back of his neck.

I giggled a bit at his actions and turned to face him, which caused him to avoid eye contact with me. "Kise, is everything actually okay?" I asked seriously, a small frown on my face. He nodded his head, but I shook mine. "Come on Kise, I know something has to be wrong. With you zoning out on me everyday and not telling me anything anymore really has me thinking something is wrong."

Kise let out a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair as he stepped closer to me. "I guess I've been caught red handed huh?" He asks softly, which causes me to raise an eyebrow in confusion. He's never this quiet, so it's pretty weird. "What's wrong Kise?" I ask again, and this time he stares into my eyes before taking my hands and holding them in his gently.

"I've been stressing over how to tell you this, but I guess I'll just tell you now" he says nervously, another sigh leaving his mouth. "Kise-" "I've loved you for a while now (M/N), and rejection filled my thoughts everytime I tried to tell you. I'm sorry if I've worried you though" he whispers with a nervous smile, looking me straight in my eyes.

I looked into his with wide ones, my mouth agape slightly. It was really a surprise how he confessed, and to me of all people. There are so many attractive people out there who are way better looking than me. A small smile finds its way to my face as i shake my head and take my hands out of his, crossing my arms.

"This is so not like you to be this nervous. And really? Rejection out of all things? You've known me for how long now, and you actually expected me to reject you?" He looked at me and laughed lightly, rubbing the back if his neck again. "So you feel the same?" He asked hopefully.

"When did I say that?" I ask bluntly, which causes him to sigh heavily. "So you don't feel the same?" He asked sadly, which made me raise an eyebrow. "When did I say that?" I ask again, which makes him look at me with a confused expression. "But-" "how about you prove it Kise" I say seriously, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"What do you-" "if you really love me, you shouldn't have a problem showing and proving it." His facial expression changes from confused to excited as a huge smile grows on his face, pulling me into a hug as his arms gently squeeze my waist. "I'd love to show you (M/N)."


Next Chapter

> Male Reader x Kagami Taiga <

See y'all soon

~ Tae

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