Male Reader x Murasakibara Atsushi

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Requested By: omy_uchiha


(M/N) (L/N)

A depressed antisocial wallflower who's as invisible as the phantom sixth man himself. Along with being antisocial, and being socially awkward, making friends was something most likely impossible for the teen. Not to mention a lover. That was the last thing on his mind and the last thing he expected to have in his sixteen years of living.

Oh, but did it happen.

Not only did he have a boyfriend, but he was more popular then most. Bright blonde hair, shining brown eyes, clear caramel skin and a height taller then his own. Not to mention he was a model and an ace of their schools basketball team. Anyone would be surprised that someone so lonely and awkward would have a famous hyperactive boyfriend.

Kise Ryouta.

Yep, that's him. Someone who he's spent so much time with and put all of his trust into. Rather it be just watching a movie, or hanging out at Maji Burger. They were both content with each others company and spent as much time with each other as they could, with Kise being a model and a basketball player that is.

But, things took a turn for the worse when (M/N) had to transfer from Kaijo to Yosen high because his mother had gotten a better job that would actually get the bills paid on time. Even so,
(M/N) trusted Kise, thinking that they had a strong relationship and nothing could come between them. Besides, distance does make the heart grow fonder.

Or so (M/N) thought.

On his first day at Yosen high, a really tall purple haired boy approached him, almost scaring him to death. "You should give me that candy little one, I need it more than you do." And since his height was towering over his own, he handed it over without an argument, not daring to look into his eyes. This made the giant smile before taking the boys hand in his and showing him around the school.

After that day, which only consisted of a few weeks later, (M/N) gained the title as manger for the basketball team. He finally started to feel like he was completely welcome. Becoming friends with Himuro and everyone else on the team, along with Murasakibara. Which also meant that (M/N) was slowly getting out of his shell. He texted Kise about everything that was going on, but he seemed like was either busy or upset about it.

He was going to call Kise to ask if he was okay, but another incoming call interrupted that thought, making (M/N) pick up his phone. "Hello-" before he could even finish speaking, a nervous and worried Yukino stopped him. "Hey umm, I don't know how to tell you this but Kise hasn't been unfaithful since you left. He told me not to tell you but you needed to know."

A sad smile formed on the young boys face, his eyes watering. "Thank you for telling me, I have to go now" (M/N) whispered, hanging up the phone after Yukino whispered an "alright". He blinked so his tears wouldn't fall. Getting dressed in his usual all black attire, he left his house with a bag full of sweets.

He didn't know why he was walking to Murasakibara's house, but he just needed comfort and he needed it now before he did something he'd probably regret. He was a bit hesitant to ring the doorbell, but once he did a sleepy looking Murasakibara opened the door with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong (M/N)chin?" The purple haired teen asked, his expression turning into worry. (M/N) smiled up at his tall friend and pulled him into a hug, tears slowly falling from his eyes, and the bag of candy falling from his hand. "I...I just need a hug" he whispered with a broken voice, surprising Murasakibara in more ways then one.

Even so, Murasakibara picked (M/N) up in his arms and locked his front door, walking back to his room and laying down with (M/N) in his arms, the snacks surprisingly forgotten. (M/N)'s arms were tightly wrapped around the purplette's neck as he slowly started to break down, his body shaking as tears violently fell from his eyes.

Murasakibara pulled away from (M/N) to hover over him, his slightly long fingers wiping away his tears. "Stop crying" he whispered softly, purple eyes staring deeply into (E/C) eyes. It surprised (M/N) to see murderous intent in those eyes that always seemed calm, along with an emotion he hasn't seen in a while.

The two spent a few minutes looking into each others eyes before Murasakibara leaned down and kissed (M/N) gently, which surprised the (H/C)nette. He couldn't help but kiss back though, tightening his grip on the giants neck while strong arms wrapped around his waist, the kiss slowly getting deeper, and passionate. Expressing not only already found feelings, but new found ones as well.

Present time

(M/N)'s p.o.v

"Atsushi, don't eat that, It's not done cooking yet" I say with a small frown on my face, taking the ground beef out of my boyfriends hands. "But (M/N)chin" Murasakibara whined, a small pout on his face. "Well, there's snacks in the pantry, go eat those" I say with a sigh, smiling up at him.

His small pout turns into a small smirk as he turns the stove off, turning me around only for his lips to attach onto my neck. "A-Atsushi...h-hold on, I h-have to finish cooking the f-food" I stutter, my hands gripping his biceps. I hear a soft chuckle leave him as his hands slide down my sides, squeezing my butt softly.

"Atsushi!" I moan softly, tangling my hands in his hair. "Mh?" He hums, pulling away from my neck to kiss my lips. He lifts me up in his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist, our tongues dancing as soft moans leave my mouth. "Atsu-" I'm cut off from the sound of the doorbell ringing, which causes Murasakibara to growl in annoyance.

He gently places me on the floor and pecks my lips one last time before walking away from me to answer the door. I let out a small sigh as I fix my, or shall I say Murasakibara's shirt and turn in the stove back on so I can start cooking again before I hear a loud "What are you doing here?!"

I raise an eyebrow and turn the stove on low before I walk twords the front door to see an angry Murasakibara and a determined looking Kise. Slightly sighing to myself, I walk up behind my boyfriend and hug him. "Atsushi, calm down, I'll talk to him" I whisper, pressing my lips against his bare back softly.

"But (M/N)-" "I've got this Atsushi" I whisper, cutting off his sentence. My tall candy loving boyfriend let's out a sigh and turns around to peck my lips before getting out of my arms to leave, glaring at Kise in the process. I smile at his fading form before turning to see Kise looking at me with wide eyes, the color in his face now pale.

"What?" I ask with my eyebrow raised and he shakes his head. "Nothing, I just wanted to-" "if you're here to say sorry then I don't want to hear it. You are five months too late" I say with a frown, crossing my arms across my chest. "I know" he whispers, a sad smile on his face. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy that you found someone better then me to be with."

My eyes slightly widen and my lips part slightly, a shocked expression replacing my annoyed one. "Kise-" "I understand that what I did was wrong and that I will have to live with the consequences. Watching you be happy with someone else, knowing that I can no longer hold you's something I will have to live with for the rest of my life."

My eyes only get wider as he wipes his tears away with the sleeves of his shirt, his smile getting better. "I just wanted you to know that I am truly sorry, and that I love you, and I always will. And knowing that my mistakes caused us not to be together anymore, hurts more then anything I have ever been through."

And with that he quickly kissed my forehead and walked away from me, leaving me completely dumbfounded. "You're not gonna go back.....right?" I heard Murasakibara ask me, causing me to turn around and smile up at him, reaching up to cup his cheeks and kiss his lips deeply.

"I love you way to much to do that."


Next Chapter:

>Cross Dressing Male Reader x Kagami Taiga<

See y'all soon

~ Tae

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