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His Pov
I looked around the club trying to find something or someone to do... I smiled at the thought when suddenly my eyes stopped on a gorgeous girl. I watched her move her hips into the rythm of the song which made my eyebrow go up in excitement. Her friend nudged her shoulder and whispered something into her ear causing her to look in my direction. I quickly looked away as if I hadn't been looking at her this whole time. She came up to me and now that I saw her upclose she was even more beautiful. She had sweat dripping from her face which only added to the sudden urge to figure her out.

"You wanna dance?"  she offered between breaths which caused me to get up and I spent the whole night dancing with the girl of my dreams.

Her Pov
I instantly started to dance once we entered the club. It took me a while to get the beat and rythm of the song that was playing right then. Right when I thought that I had been dancing and enjoying being single. I looked around to see that the club was full of couples. Even the people I had came with were in a couple. I felt my vibe go down a little. Then my friend nudged me and told me that there was a guy that was looking at me. I looked to where she had tilted her head toward and saw the most perfect guy.  I started to walk up to him but then I realized that I was sweating like a pig. I tried to clean myslef up a little but I had already reached him.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked he gladly accepted which made me even more happier. I smiled realizing that I spent the whole night dancing with the man of my dreams.

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