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in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.

Phil's POV:

It was almost already dark outside when Phil stormed out of Dan's house. It wasn't that he was angry, or completely sad either, but any onlooker may have assumed so.

"Oh, but, I thought-" he had said to Dan.

Yes he had thought. He has thought that maybe Dan and him could become friends. Maybe even more than that, but who was he kidding?

Phil hadn't had many friends, he had never been the most popular person in school and that seemed to stick as he got older. Combine that with the fact that he was extremely awkward and a little eccentric and you were left with what was a very lonely life.

Phil didn't get out much either, and when a guy similar to his age moved into the previously unoccupied apartment next to him, he had to take the opportunity.

Currently, though, he found himself getting as far away from this new 'opportunity' as he could.

Once he was out of Dan's apartment, and out of his view, he picked up the pace to a steady jog. His feet carried him back to his own apartment and then down the stairs to his car. He wasted no time in climbing in, bringing the engine to life and then driving away.

He drove all the way to the edge of town before he parked and killed the engine. He decided to leave his phone on the passenger seat, he didn't need it right now and who would even call him?

The winter air outside chilled his skin as soon as he locked the car door, as he mentally cursed himself for not being smart enough to bring a jumper. He exhaled as he leaned up against his car, his breath turning to fog. A sighed escaped his lips before he continued walking.

Many of the houses along the outskirts of the block seemed to be either empty or their occupants asleep, the cold street deprived of the warm artificial light.

Phil was left only with the dull street lights and the pebbles he kicked along the ground as he made his way further out of town. Dark had finally consumed the sky and the moon shone brightly, allowing him to continue his walk without man made light.

His feet had just began to ache dully as the familiar cemented pavement faded into dirt. He brought his eyes up from the footpath, where they had remained for most of the walk, and took in his surroundings. He had finally reached the the forest that surrounded the town.

He glanced behind him, admiring the faint glow of life he had left behind him as he made his way into the vegetation.

It seemed to get even darker within the woods. The canopy of the large oak trees around him hid him from the moon's light, making Phil slightly regret not bringing his phone.

It was peaceful in a way, as long as he didn't think of all the horror movies he had watched about people being murdered in surrounding much like his. He shook the thoughts, they weren't real.

Phil knew his way around the forest quiet well, it was a frequent route he often took ever since he moved here. There was a clearing just above a very steep precipice he usually visited when ever he felt sad or stressed, the scenic view aiding in calming him when he felt down.

Right now, Phil didn't know how he felt, he just knew that if he made it to his secret place it would be alright.

The cliff, in it's self, maybe have been considered dangerous by others and Phil often wondered if anyone had ever taken their life from it but he quickly ridded himself of the thought as soon as it came.

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