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1. very enthusiastic or passionate.
2. burning; glowing.

Dan still stood where Phil had dropped not only his houseplant, but also his pants, only a few moments prior, his eyes glued to the ground.

"What the fuck just happened?" Dan whispered under his breath.

He still hadn't processed the whole situation, everything was running back through his head.

"Dan!" Phil yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He called back.

"You hungry?"

"Not really.." Dan stopped staring at Phil's discarded clothing on the floor and began walking towards the sound of Phil's voice.

"You wanna help me make pancakes anyway?"

"Uh, sure... I'm not much of a cook though..."

"And you think I am?" Phil laughed back.

Dan gave a sarcastic sigh, walking to the kitchen where he was greeted with a semi naked Phil. Various ingredients had already been set across the kitchen bench, apparently in no particular order.

"What do you need help with?" Dan asked, still standing in the kitchen doorway unadmittedly sneaking glances at the unclothed bottom half of Phil.

"Um.." Phil pondered, almost spilling the bag of flour he held in his hands, "can you get the eggs from the fridge?"

Dan walked across the kitchen, surprised at how unconventional  Phil's kitchen was. What surprised him the most though, was the contents of Phil's fridge. Although Dan barely knew they guy he still assumed that he was  of fairly average wealth. What was in his fridge though, said otherwise. It was almost completely empty, nothing but a few eggs, an old carton of milk and one tomato, and that made Dan wonder what Phil did in his spare time. Enough to ask.

"Hey Phil? I've don't think I've ever asked. Do you have a job?" Dan said, aimlessly eyeing the fridge.

The awkward hesitation that followed almost made Dan regret asking. Surely what ever Phil did for a living couldn't be that embarrassing.

"Um... I.. make videos?" The words came out as more of a question and Dan decided not to inquire any further. It was none of Dan's business and the vagueness of Phil's answer made him think about exactly what videos Phil made.

"What about you?" Phil asked as Dan shut the fridge, placing two of the eggs on the bench next to Phil.

"Me?" Dan said, more to himself than to Phil, "I'm currently unemployed, I only just moved out actually." Dan almost laughed at how  peaceful he made getting kicked out of his own house sound. There was no way he was explaining his whole situation to Phil, and he was glad that he did not ask.

"That's no good" Phil said, attempting to crack an egg into the bowl he had in front of him. There was inevitably going to be shell in it.

Dan decided that it would be best for him to just observe, rather than help and add to the mess. He wasn't even sure what recipe the other boy seemed to be following, but Phil seemed to know. At least the mixture in the bowl slightly resembled pancake batter.

"Want a taste?" Phil spun around to dan, evidently a little too fast, flinging pancake batter towards Dan's face at a frightening velocity.

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