Chapter 2

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I still thinking about what he said on my way to the downtown I still can't believe it
But when I arrive to my friends house he's very upset about my decision

he said  "You always break yourself just to fix the others, you tried to save them but who's gonna save you ?"

I don't care about that , cause I've been the winters of my entire life and my friends along the way is my only summers they've made my day bright and warm like a sunlight

I saw dreams in their eyes glow bright as a star I had those dreams but because of unfortunate event mine has been crashing pieces by pieces that I wish it don't over and over again and I don't want them to feel the same way I did i turned into everything I hate and I know I'm unfixable but at least I can try to fix them

I don't want them to walk on the road I've been through it's cold and I'm dying.. I'm dying

I have to tell myself it's gonna be okay , it's gets better cause no one else did
And I don't want them to feel the same way I feel


The next day we met on school and we both act like nothing ever happen between us, my back is hurt so bad cause the bed I slept in last night was so hard.

He came to me and smile , I asked him
"How are you ?"
"I'm fine thank you for letting me sleep over your house"
"Don't worry anytime" I said
He grab my hand and he was about to talk about that "thing" again but luckily Claire come over

I was so lucky cause I don't wanna talk about this anymore cause I don't know how I feel

Later on we were sitting on the park under a tree and Chris was mentioning about a rumor running around the school
"Hey Asher I heard that Britney have a crush on you"
" I don't know about that but she texted me several times"
Claire just laughing and said
"You can't be serious, please don't tell me you're gonna fell for a basic girl like that, i mean i know that she's rich but cmon"
"Maybe you could date her just for the money" - Chris said
In my opinion it was ridiculous I know life is hard but you don't have to sell yourself and lowering your self esteem, so i said
"Please don't do that, you're so much more than just a hooker" -
And then he smile to me
His smile is like one of the rarest smile I've ever seen In my life

We were talking about what are we gonna do tonight and Claire came up with this crazy idea where we're gonna break in to 5star hotel and use all of the facilities there and we all agree, and we were so excited

When we about to go home Asher is already waiting for me in the parking lot I see him waving his hand and I also see Britney walking to him

I can hear her asking if Asher can drive go home with him I can see that Asher so uncomfortable talking to her , and he smile when I came between them, I said
"Hi guys"
In just 1 word I already make her upset she rolled her eyes at me and she says
"Sorry but Asher isn't gonna drive you home today he's gonna go with me"
She put her arms around him and I'm just smiling and said
"Well ok then maybe another time" and walked away"

He quickly chase me and start to explain the situation and I said
"It's ok hurry up she's waiting"
I can see a disappointment in his face maybe he taught I'd fight back to get him back but I'm not .

And later I was walking on the road alone and someone stop his car right near me and said
"You need a ride ?"
It sounded like a guy but I can't see his face until I see
It was Fredrick ,and I decline his offer because I didn't really know him that well all I know is he's kind of playboy. But he's insisted he said
"It's a long road you know, and there's no taxi driving by, c'mon"
So I go with him in one condition that he drove me off to the bookstore in the middle of the city

When I get out of the car I see him from across the street and made eye contact just for a moment I was just about walk to him but then he came out with Britney

So I turned around and walk away cause I can feel something broken inside from inside of me but Fred grab my hand and says
"Are you okay ?"
I swallowed those pain and keep it deep inside at the bottom of my heart, then I put on my smile and said
"I'm okay thanks for the ride"
And walk into the bookstore

When I came home I quickly get in to my room and lay on my bed, my bed sheets still smell like him I put a pillow on my face and screaming until I fall asleep

When I woke up i look outside of my window the sky is already dark I look at my phone and I have 13 missed calls from him, and I got a text that said "answer my calls I'm outside" so I get ready and go outside

We drive to the pit it's our gathering place it located on the rooftop of abandoned  building. He asked me
"Why are you so quiet ?"
And I didn't answer him, but he keep asking
"Something bothering you ?"
"Are you mad at me ?"
I answered those questions with nothing but silence

When we arrived I quickly get off his motorcycle and walk to the stairs and he keep calling my name and asking me to stop he ran and grab my hand then pushed me against the wall and said
I was shocked cause he put his face so close from mine, my heart was beating so fast and hard. I feel like my eyes just about to cry and I feel like my mouth just want to tell him everything that I feel i have 1000 words in my head but I only said 3

"Nothing, I'm fine"

I can see the confuse in his face and then he back off so I quickly climb up the stairs cause I don't wanna feel that way again

When we were on the rooftop Claire and Chris was already there and there's so we go to the hotel we broke in, we go to the pool and there's a bar on it Asher and Chris so excited they quickly take of their clothes and jump into the pool while Claire enjoy the spa facilities and I just drinking myself at the bar while thinking about these feelings I see swimming pool glimmering and he came out of that pool looking with a smile like god.

He came towards me and he grab my waist and said
"Come one join us"
He grab me from under my t-shirt and look deep into my eyes and said
"No matter what happen I will love you until the end of time i would wait a million years, promise that you'll remember that you're mine, I love you"

I take off my clothes and put on my black bikini he jumped into the pool right beside me I sat near the pool and put my legs into the water Chris swim swim towards me and asked
"What's wrong the water isn't too cold"
"Nothing" i said
"Is something bothering you ?" He said
Suddenly someone push me from behind when I turn around it was Claire she wore a diamond ring which makes me wonder
"Where did you get that ring?"
"Someone leave it for me"
"You are naughty" Chris said
Then she jump into the pool

We were swimming,laughing,and joking around I said to myself
"I'll never forget this moment, i hope this feelings that I'm having right now  isn't gonna fade away"
While they were playing I get off the pool and sit on the bar
Not long after that Asher came out of the pool and walk towards me
"I'm just gonna drink for a sec,I'm thirsty" I said
"Yeah I know" he said
He asked me to stand up and he grab my waist and pull my body against his, I look down and said
"What are you doing ? Stop joking around"
"Look at me" he said
His face is getting closer and closer to me it's like we're about to kiss
But suddenly we hear someone trying to unlock the door
"Someone's coming everyone hide !! Kill the lights"

Asher pull me into the pool and we hide under the water I don't know how long it gonna last I can see his face turned blue and I know he needed air.

I quickly grab his face and kiss him in order to give him all the air that left inside of me as soon he realized what I'm doing he pulled out and intended to do the same for me but I resist 
I can't feel my body slowly
My sight is getting blurred
I think
"Is this is it ? It's the end of my life ? Even though I broke so many rules I'm happy that I die because I'm saving the one I truly love"

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