Chapter One

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"Don't you see? There's nothing more to it! We need to go back, and we need to go back now, before it's too late." 

I walk straight to Mitch, we stand so close our noses almost touch. 

I am not wavered by his words. 

"We are not going back. We've come this far, and there's no way I'm giving up." 

I observe Mitch's face. 

"We need to do this, for Arthur." I penetrate his eyes with my stare, making sure that my point gets across. 

"Okay," Mitch raises up his hands in defeat. "Alright, you win." 

I adjust my ponytail and smile. "Good." 

I give him one last look before spinning around to face Tracey, a smile creeping across my face. 

"Good girl, Tracey!" 

Tracey arches an eyebrow at me. "Thank you very much." 

She reaches out her hand  and I take it. 

She found it! We're almost there! 

I pull Mitch alongside us and we inch our way in the desolate alley, moonlight beaming on us as we make our way to Arthur's father's house.

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