Chapter 35: Goodbye UK

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Chapter 35

Counting Stars by One Republic

* Hailey's P.O.V*

"THANK YOU GUYS AND GOODNIGHT!!" I screamed in the mic,

I've been in America for about two/three days and im missing everyone so much, I really do wish i stayed to say goodbye to Helena but i had to go to my tour. my band, Speaking For The Voiceless, were hitting great in Utah, so me and the guys decided to tour. The crowd cheered and roared my name


The feeling of all the people screaming and shouting my name, felt good. i waved the crowd goodbye and ran off stage, immediately i was greeted by JJ who seems to be with... Xander!

"Hailey!! that show was awesome" JJ cheered

"Hell yeah it was" i said

JJ thought it would be a good idea to give me a hug but he immediately broke the hug up.

 "your sweaty and sticky you need a bath" JJ said

i really wanna bath now

"Hey Kiddo" Xander said.

JJ and Xander are my close mates and to be honest i dont know what i'll do without them, im so glad they came on tour with me. Someones gotta control me with alcohol....yeah i think i picked the wrong people.

"Hey X, you staying with us at the hotel?" i asked

"Yeah im gonna stay for a couple of days then i have to go back to Salt Lake City cuz of work" 

JJ and I frowned

"Please don't leave me X" JJ begged

"I'll see if i can stay a bit longer but anyways lets go to the hotel im tired"

*Alex P.O.V*

I miss her! I miss her! I MISS HER!!!!!!!! 

Could all passengers boarding flight 379 , AA American Airlines, to Los Angeles please board the plane

It's time to board the plane and OLI IS NOT EVEN HERE!!!!!! i felt someone pull my trousers, i looked down and it was Bethany

"Lex ? Where's Oli?" Bethany asked

I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!!!

"Im sure he'll be here soon" i calming replied to her.

"Hurry up i wanna board the plane!" Jack shouted 

All of us were carrying our carry on luggage but Jack being Jack, while we were walking to our gate he saw a massive unicorn and what did the idiot do? he bought one then he bought another unicorn for Bethany. i understand a little girl carrying a toy but not a grown man...wait let me re pharse that , not a idiot.

"Dude you still carrying that unicorn?" Rian asked

Jack gasped and covered the unicorns ear

"the unicorn has a name" he whispered

"What's the unicorns name" Zack asked

No Zack! don't ask him that!

"his name is...GEOFFREY LE UNICORN" he screamed

everyone around us started giving us dirty looks. Oh God..

"Hey guys" i heard some say behind me

i turned around and it was Oli. Thank God!

"Finally your here now so lets go board the plane" jack said 

then we watched him line up on the queue, the people in front of him were giving him dirty looks, im not suprised cuz if i saw a man carry a big unicorn with him, i would get kinda freaked out.

"Let's Go" i told everyone 

I grabbed Bethany little hand and walked with her to the line. I got my passport and her's ready for the flight member to board us on the plane. i felt another tug on my trousers

"Yes Bethany?"

"Lex i need to go toliet" she burst


i tapped on Sammy's shoulder and she turned around

"Sammy? could you take Bethany to the toliet, she needs to go"

she nodded and grabbed Bethany hand

"Yaye Auntie Sammy!"she cheered

i watched Sammy and Bethany walk quickly to the bathroom. Why does Bethany call Sammy Auntie? I should ask Zack.

"Hey Zack? do you know why Bethany keeps calling Sammy Auntie?" i asked

"I-I D-dont K-kno-w"Zack stuttered

then it was his turned to get checked in, weird? Zack's never like that...oh well. i'll drop it for now.I saw Sammy come back Bethany, who was skipping with her new unicorn. Thanks Jack...Sammy handed me Bethany again and Sammy got checked in.Oli was infront of me, i was dying to ask him my question.


he turned around

"Was Helena ok when you left her? i ask

"She said that we have to message her everyday"

"excuse me sir your ticket?" the flight member asked Oli 

Oli gave the flight member his ticket and went on board.

This is it, im leaving the UK to the US. I will miss you so much Helena....

*Sammy P.O.V*

-Inside the Girls Bathroom-

"Auntie Sammy? Can you help me wash my hands please?" Bethany asked me

i lifted little Bethany up and she continued to wash her hands. After she finished i put her down

"Thank you" her answered

"you have very good manners"i told her

"Hehe thank you, Daddy told me that i should be a polite little girl because people dont like unpolite girls" she said

her father.Mitch.My brother.

i bent down so i was the same size as her.

" have to stop calling me Auntie" i said

"But why?" she asked

her little face looked innocent as ever

"Because they can't know" i admitted

"cant i tell Lex?"

what a cute name for Alex. I chuckled.

"No. not Alex." i told her

"ok i wont. you know Daddy always talked about how an amazing sister you were to him" she said

then went to got a paper towel.Mitch...Talked about me?

I Miss you Mitch...

*Stephenie P.O.V*

Hush little Helena,

Dont you cry,

No one gonna save you,

someones gonna die,

If you try to speak,

i'll hush you up,

Goodnight little Tramp,

and don't wake up...

Well.... today i felt like updating so today i updated :DDDDD be proud of me! hahahaa your reaction -_- hahaha anyways im going to bed soon and ill update tomorrow. see you later and message me if you can any questions or if you wanna talk :)


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